what kind do you have?
My peanuts love the exersaucer, but not the jumperoo. We have a FP Laugh and Learn with some farm animals on it. I'm thinking about selling it because they are so disinterested. But I wonder if they would like it more if it was more interactive. Right now they just hang there...
I know they are still quite little, but I'm not a fan of it and I'm willing to buy them a different one if they'd get more out of it (and by them, I mean I would have another toy for them to play in while giving me a break :P )
Re: if your LO's don't hate the jumperoo
I would give them a little more time. I have a FP - some type of an ocean themed one - but my boys didn't really start liking it until they were closer to 6 months. James was the first to really love jumping in it, but within the past 2-3 wks, Jonathan is doing alot of jumping, too.
I would suggest if they still hate it closer to 5 1/2 - 6 months, sell it and get a new one.
Mine weren't into the jumperoo til they were a bit older than your LOs--maybe around 5.5 mo/6 months did they really enjoy it.
We had the Baby Einstein one (got it at BRU I think). I hung a bunch of Baby Einstein toys that they could try to reach at and they liked the bright colors/music it played. Once they started to like the jumperoo, the exersaucer didn't get as much use. So it may just be a matter of time before they show interest.
We have the RF jumperoo and Tucker has gotten to where he jumps in it and plays with some of the toys. He really likes it, but Duncan just kind of sits there. He will sit there for a while though. Although he will sit just about anywhere that you put him for a while.
See if you can find a RF jumperoo on CL. That way if they don't like it then at least you didn't spend lots of money on it. I say give them some more time though.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I have a FP Deluxe Sound and Lights Jumparoo. Except the sound and lights don't work (bought it at a consignment shop and didn't test it. Oops). They've never really cared that the light up stuff doesn't light up.
I got it when they were about 5.25 months old. Closer to 5.5 months they started going crazy in it and LOVED to bounce. Now, at almost 7 months, they're more content to stand in it and watch us.
Another vote to give it more time.