
I'm excited for twin toddlers!

DD just turned 2 and she's just so cute and fun.  She seems more like a big girl and less like a baby every day.  Watching her and playing with her makes me so excited to have twin toddlers!  Two is such a fun age!  Smile
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Re: I'm excited for twin toddlers!

  • hehe... 2 is super cute :) It's extra cute with twins- and also extra insane :)

    The nice thing about having an older child for me- has been watching DS1 grow and loving every stage more than the next with him- and knowing I get to do it all again with the twins as they grow... it makes me a little less sad as they get older, knowing how much fun is still ahead b/c I've been doing it with DS1.

    enjoy this time with your daughter while she's still an only :) She'll be the same age Griffin was when the twins were born - and IMO, it's the perfect age spread! :)

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
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