Baby Names

Name Help

I'm having a girl!  My mother was not given a middle name, and she did not give me a middle name, so that we could carry on our maiden name after we got married.  I hated this growing up, but now that I'm married enjoy it, and having 3 initials!  I really like the name Josie but am debating to either give her a middle name or not.  My mom says her feelings aren't hurt if I give her one, but I'm having trouble deciding what goes with Josie....any suggestions on middles names or whether to carry on the tradition?

Re: Name Help

  • First of all, I know many women who keep the maiden name and either legally become FirstName MaidenName LastName or become FirstName MiddleName MaidenName LastName and essentially have 2 middle names.  They use their original middle name as the initial required on official forms.

    I'd recommend having a middle name for just that reason.  My mother went to school with a girl who shared her first and last name.  Cheryl was common enough in the 60s but the last name isn't so very common and they were the only other ones with that name in the metro area.  They had differing middle initials but she found out that the school only had one file for both of them for quite awhile and the other one was a trouble maker!  She prayed come graduation they would call both of them and not just one.

    I think schools have gotten better about filing those sorts of things now with computers, but it does help to have a middle name for things like that.  In the school system your name is important for identification, once your an adult I think mostly your social security number can differentiate.

    Anyway, Josie is great.  I prefer the full name Josephine (it's our number 2) and the nn Josie.  We've thrown these mn around:

    Ann, Alice, Belle, Charlotte, Corinne, Daphne, Elizabeth, Emily, Evelyn, Faith, Grace, Hope, Irene, Isabel, Katherine, Lillian, Lynn,  Marian, Rebekah, Samantha, Susannah, Virginia, Violet

    Other names that I think go with it that DH is not on board with:

    Caroline, Caitlin, Eleanor, Ella, Eliza, Elise, Elisa, Kay, Lydia, Mae, Marie, Rachel, Rose.  

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  • I go by Firstname Middle-Maiden Lastname. It isn't a problem.

    Josie is a cute nn, but I don't like it as a full first name. You could use it as a nn for Josephine, Jocelyn, even Joanna.

    If you do go w/ Josie as a fn, I would use a solid, traditional mn to give her options in case she finds that Josie is too informal for her chosen profession. Think Catherine, Elizabeth, Caroline, Rachel, Sarah, Margaret, or another rock-solid name that is appropriate to your family/ethnicity and will not go out of fashion or seem childish.

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