Detroit Babies

Combine formula & BM?

I asked this on the breastfeeding board but didn't get any useful answers. 

I am not pumping as much as DD is drinking at day care. I might get 4-5 oz during a session and she takes 5-6oz in her bottles. I was thinking of adding an oz or two of formula to her bottles, rather than dip into the freezer stash as much as I am. 

Has anyone done this? I'm not sure how to go about mixing them, does the formula need to be mixed and refrigerated before combining so that the formula and BM is the same temp (similar to how BM should be the same temp before combining different bottles)?  I've looked on kellymom and google and haven't found much specifics.  I would like to prepare her bottles in the a.m. before daycare and not send twice as many bottles with separate BM and formula, which just seems like a pain.

I've read about the downsides to mixing and that if LO doesn't finish the bottle the BM Is wasted, but that's not a concern for me.  Daycare doesn't give her unfinished bottles a second time anyway, so even if she doesn't finish a BM bottle it gets wasted.
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Re: Combine formula & BM?

  • I would do two bottles and not mix.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageKBabySmiles:
    I would do two bottles and not mix.


    DS has acid relux and milk protein allergy, and had torticollis, used to EP, now we FF . April siggy 3-6 month
    We're Finally Three imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
    Born 7lb, 15oz, 21-1/4, 2 mo - 12lbs, 14oz. 25", 3mo - 14lb, 4oz 26in , 4 mo - 16lb, 1oz, 26 3/4 in, 5 mo 18 lb, 4oz 27-3/4 in, 6 mo 28 3/4 in 19lb, 14oz
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  • We do two bottles without mixing.  It might not matter to you but when you mix BM and F it changes the calorie count and makeup of the milk.  We have preemies so it is important that they get what they are supposed to.  Not to mention having to throw out BM if they don't finish.
  • Thanks ladies, I think I'll just give her a bottle of straight formula.  It's just something else to worry about it now, I know BM works for her and I don't want to mess with that... but she can't live on BM forever, well she probably could but that might be weird in kindergarten :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My cousin's wife was able to both BF and FF (alternating bottles with breast or pumped milk) with no issues with her kids.  I plan to supplement with this LO as needed.  Like PP have said I don't think mixing formula and BM is recommended.

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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


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