Baby Names

Due in a week still have no names

HELP! Im due in one week and still have no names, we have a long list but nothing that we love. Looking for advice and suggustions...


Aiden - need MN, Andrew - need MN. Jordan - need MN, Austin Walker,Connor  - need MN, Owen -- need MN, Bradley - need MN


Naomi Grace, Kayleigh Anne, Valerie - need MN, Eliza - Need MN, Hayley - need MN.

Re: Due in a week still have no names

  • we also like Lillian with the middle name anne? But does that sounds to repetative?
  • If you are due in a week, have a list, and are undecided, I would just wait until the baby is born and you meet him/her for the first time.  The child's name will come to you.  You already are waiting to find out the sex, so you might as well wait for the name to arrive at the same time.Smile

    I would probably knock Aiden off of the list though, that name is overwhelmingly popular right now.

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    BFP 12/05/10 (EDD 8/8/11), empty gestational sac 12/31/10, natural miscarriage 01/05/11
    BFP 03/03/11, EDD 11/09/11, We love you so much already, our sweet little munchkin!!!
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    *Congrats to buddies MrsAtch, cflocco, MommyandKate, luckylady55, opallover, trishiepoo, stephsteph77, and Pachita! Praying for healthy babies for all of you!*
    *Congrats to my buddy, Izabella22 (BFP 5/11/11)!!!Sending you Ts and Ps for a healthy, take-home baby!
    *Congrats to my buddy, myaddiwaddi06(BFP 10/31/11)!!!Sending you Ts and Ps for a healthy, take-home baby!
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  • Aiden- dislike in general, and prefer the spelling Aidan anyway.

    Andrew- nice.

    Jordan- ok.

    Austin Walker- feeling a strong Texas vibe between the city and Walker, Texas Ranger and George Walker Bush.

    Connor- ok.

    Owen- LOVE

    Bradley- nms.

    Naomi Grace- lovely!

    Kayleigh Anne- Kayleigh is nms, I do prefer the spelling Kaylee though.

    Valerie- nms.

    Eliza- nice!

    Hayley- pretty.

    I think I'd need to understand more about your naming style to give real suggestions other than a combination of the names.  Such as Andrew Jordan sounds nice.  I could even get behind Owen Bradley.  Eliza is nice with Grace or Anne, maybe even Valerie.  If you really like all of these names I'd suggest pairing them together rather than just tossing them out since you can only use one as a first name.

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  • imagelil0980:
    we also like Lillian with the middle name anne? But does that sounds to repetative?

    I think Lillian Anne is too repetitive.  I know a Lily Anne and am not a big fan of that either.  I would prefer just Lilliane or Lilliana as first names.

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  • ames71ames71 member

    Girl: Naomi Grace

    Boy: Andrew (mn ideas: Everett, Bennett, Reid, David, Baxter, Davis, Garrett, Spencer, William)

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  • imageHadleyS:

    If you are due in a week, have a list, and are undecided, I would just wait until the baby is born and you meet him/her for the first time.  The child's name will come to you.  You already are waiting to find out the sex, so you might as well wait for the name to arrive at the same time.Smile

    I would probably knock Aiden off of the list though, that name is overwhelmingly popular right now.

    I agree esp about Aiden. I might drop Walker too just cause of Talladega Nights with Will Ferrel. I loved Walker til that movie...

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  • Boys: Jordan James, or Owen James Girls: Valerie Lynn
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  • austin and conner (connor for you) made my final boy list. we also had jordan on our long list. i don't the rest really.

    austin michael, austin joseph, austin christopher, austin nicholas, austin blake, austin drew, austin kyler, austin daniel, austin james, austin elliot, austin cole

    connor james, connor ryan, connor devan, connor elliot, connor henry, connor bradley, connor joseph, connor michael, connor brendan, connor wyatt

    i don't really love any of the girl names either i'm sorry. i'd probably pick valerie.

    valerie elise, valerie rose, valerie nicole, valerie annette, valerie danielle, valerie claire, valerie noelle, valerie blair, valerie joelle, valerie juliet, valerie brooke

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  • Bradley Connor & Eliza Brooke
    Loss #1 2008, Loss #2 2010, Loss #3 2011, Loss #4 2012, Loss #5 2012
    Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014

    ~DS Born! 2009~
    ~DD Born! 2013~
    ~DD due! 2015~

  • Owen Bradley, Connor Bradley

    Eliza Grace, Lillian Grace

    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Here are my favorites...

    Boys: Connor Andrew, Bradley Connor, Owen Matthew

    Girls: Elizabeth Anne (call her Eliza), Anna Elizabeth (call her Annie)

    This link might help you with some more ideas:


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