Cloth Diapering

NCDR: What is your favorite quickie snack/meal

I'm in a cooking slump lately.  My meals consist of the remains of whatever my 2 year old DS leaves on his plate (which is pretty much everything) and PB&J's.  I just feel like every time I'm in the mood to make something DD2 needs this or DD1 is crying so I end up just snacking on unhealthy crap and it's taking it's toll.  Can anyone recommend something quick & easy for snack/mealtime?  Thanks ladies!
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Re: NCDR: What is your favorite quickie snack/meal

  • I am experiencing the PB&J slump right there with you.  I am so overloaded with work, I have no time to cook.  However...

    My husband works a lot of evenings and I never want to cook/can't with the baby so I make a ton of these:

    I don't make them one pound though and I can usually make fifteen of them.  I just freeze and when I want to eat one-microwave and it's done.

    The only other suggestion of snacks is fruit-I eat a lot of bananas

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  • imagea.bartholomew:

    I am experiencing the PB&J slump right there with you.  I am so overloaded with work, I have no time to cook.  However...

    My husband works a lot of evenings and I never want to cook/can't with the baby so I make a ton of these:

    I don't make them one pound though and I can usually make fifteen of them.  I just freeze and when I want to eat one-microwave and it's done.

    The only other suggestion of snacks is fruit-I eat a lot of bananas


    Holy shizz that's a gigante burrito,lol.  That looks seriously good, I'm a fan of anything wrapped in a burrito (much to the dismay of my husband).  BTW, did you see the page re: TT group custom?  

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  • imagechloe081:

    I am experiencing the PB&J slump right there with you.  I am so overloaded with work, I have no time to cook.  However...

    My husband works a lot of evenings and I never want to cook/can't with the baby so I make a ton of these:

    I don't make them one pound though and I can usually make fifteen of them.  I just freeze and when I want to eat one-microwave and it's done.

    The only other suggestion of snacks is fruit-I eat a lot of bananas


     BTW, did you see the page re: TT group custom?  

    No, dangit-where is it?  I can't find it.

    PS I like the idea of trying to identify as many meals as possible that can be delivered like a burrito.  I am on it.


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  • DS and I have been on a healthy eating binge for a while now and it's going pretty well.  for lunches we get two huge tubs of organic greens, eggs, tuna fish, beans, olives, etc...  on sunday i seperate them into containers for the week so all we have to do is grab one out of the fridge.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker BFP#1 10/26/09 EDD 7/4/10 Beautiful Baby Boy born 2 weeks late 7/16/10 BFP#2 8/23/11 EDD 5/11/12 Natural Miscarriage @ 6 weeks BFP#3 5/22/12 EDD 2/10/13 Stick Baby!
  • My go-to lunch is a green monster smoothie. Quick to make, keeps me full for 3 hours or so.
  • imagetokenhoser:
    My go-to lunch is a green monster smoothie. Quick to make, keeps me full for 3 hours or so.


    I am intrigued by this.  Field or baby spinach?

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  • imagea.bartholomew:

    My go-to lunch is a green monster smoothie. Quick to make, keeps me full for 3 hours or so.


    I am intrigued by this.  Field or baby spinach?

    Yes. Do tell!

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  • imageNicoleR524:
    DS and I have been on a healthy eating binge for a while now and it's going pretty well.  for lunches we get two huge tubs of organic greens, eggs, tuna fish, beans, olives, etc...  on sunday i seperate them into containers for the week so all we have to do is grab one out of the fridge.

    Like this! 

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  •  (I have yet to try a recipe of hers that I did not like.) I highly suggest the pollo sabroso, easy and delicious! 


    And check out the Meal Planning Monday thread on the 6-9 Board.

     I made this tonight for dinner, DH loves it!  


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  • imagechloe081:

    My go-to lunch is a green monster smoothie. Quick to make, keeps me full for 3 hours or so.


    I am intrigued by this.  Field or baby spinach?

    Yes. Do tell!

    It doesn't really matter, if it's fresh. I buy the prewashed bagged stuff (baby?).  It looks crazy, but it tastes like peanut butter and banana. I like it because it tastes good, it takes two minutes to whip up, and it's actually pretty good for me. Especially when I put in the ground flax.

  • imagetokenhoser:

    My go-to lunch is a green monster smoothie. Quick to make, keeps me full for 3 hours or so.


    I am intrigued by this.  Field or baby spinach?

    Yes. Do tell!

    Oh my gosh congrats on your LO!  Don't know how I missed that :D

    It doesn't really matter, if it's fresh. I buy the prewashed bagged stuff (baby?).  It looks crazy, but it tastes like peanut butter and banana. I like it because it tastes good, it takes two minutes to whip up, and it's actually pretty good for me. Especially when I put in the ground flax.

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  • my go to snack is usually hummus and crackers/carrots/celery/pita bread - I wonder if it is possible to eat too much hummus?

    and I love the idea of separating salads on Sunday!

    I made lentil/sweet potato burgers last night for dinner, but we didn't eat until 10, because DH didn't get home until 8:30, and DD always wants to be held after about 5pm.... definitely need quicker meals!

  • Our "go to" meal when I have no time to prepare isn't the healthiest but it's super quick. Rice (I use a rice cooker) and then sautee onions peppers garlic and keilbasa in a wok in some oil - add a bit of soy sauce. Put over rice when done.

    You can obviously use whatever veggies you have on hand but as DH doesnt eat any veggies except the ones mentioned above those are what I use the most. I'll add broccoli or caqrrots if I have them and make him eat around it.

    If I have extra time adn I want to get super fancy I will use chicken (but that takes more work to cut and cook) Stick out tongue

    snack - I eat a lot of cheese (babybell) and like pp - hummus.

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