Anyone have a VBAC with this practice?
Women's Health First
I am not currently pregnant, but next time I want to be in control and get my VBAC.
Experience? Thoughts?
AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie!
Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers
Re: Chicago-Burb mamas come in please come in a Dr?
I don't have any recs in your area but I joined the Yahoo group for my local ICAN chapter and received several referrals
I'm a active member in ICAN and no luck with finding a provider my insurance takes, that is within a 20 min drive from my house.
DH is afraid we will get stuck in horrid traffic if I go too far from home.
I'm in Schaumburg. I looked in to OMG womens healthcare and they are 45 min away with no traffic. I looked into West Sub and they are not covered and would be like 50-60 minute trip . I looked into a few out of Alexian Brothers and no luck with VBACs.