Chicago-Burb mamas come in please come in a Dr?

Anyone have a VBAC with this practice?

Women's Health First


I am not currently pregnant, but next time I want to be in control and get my VBAC.

Experience? Thoughts?



AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie! Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers www.DuPageSlingers.Blogspot.com

Re: Chicago-Burb mamas come in please come in a Dr?

  • I don't have any recs in your area but I joined the Yahoo group for my local ICAN chapter and received several referrals

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  • Hmm, I don't remember what the story was on them, sorry.  I'm out in Aurora and went to Oak Park to West Suburban Midwives.  Ditto to joining ICAN.  There is the Chicago one as well as DuPage County that I find to be helpful.  Where are you located if you feel comfortable sharing?
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I'm a active member in ICAN and no luck with finding a provider my insurance takes, that is within a 20 min drive from my house. 

    DH is afraid we will get stuck in horrid traffic if I go too far from home.

    AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie! Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers www.DuPageSlingers.Blogspot.com
  • imagechicsub:
    Hmm, I don't remember what the story was on them, sorry.  I'm out in Aurora and went to Oak Park to West Suburban Midwives.  Ditto to joining ICAN.  There is the Chicago one as well as DuPage County that I find to be helpful.  Where are you located if you feel comfortable sharing?

    I'm in  Schaumburg.  I looked in to OMG womens healthcare and they are 45 min away with no traffic.  I looked into West Sub and they are not covered and would be like 50-60 minute trip .  I looked into a few out of Alexian Brothers and no luck with VBACs.   

    AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie! Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers www.DuPageSlingers.Blogspot.com
  • Yep, we stayed at a hotel b/c of the drive.  It was my last baby, so I switched at 25w when I felt I wasn't getting the vibe I wanted from my prior midwife about vbac.  I think there is one OB out that way that is recommended.  It sucks b/c if you really want a vbac around here you either need to get lucky or travel.  I would at least look into getting a doula if you are not able to go with a supportive provider.  I had one for this birth and can't speak highly enough about her!
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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