
Won't eat solids. WWYD?

My 2 have been a disaster feeding solids to as of late. It's driving me crazy. For the most part they refuse purees. I *might* be able to get 1-2 spoonfuls of a meal into them before they have a spaz.

We've tried some finger/table foods but there's a lot of gagging, choking and vomiting going on. For example: I tried to feed them some mushy adult oatmeal this morning -- they both gagged and vomited oatmeal and most of this morning's bottle.

The only things they'll eat (and I use the term eat very loosely) is puffs or MumMums. They aren't food. What do I do? Quit feeding them solids for awhile and just bottles? I realize that it's still just "practice" at this stage but it's really starting to get annoying. I DREAD every mealtime b/c it's just an exercise in futility and it stresses me out.


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Re: Won't eat solids. WWYD?

  • You just gave me flashbacks!  My two were the worst chokers/gaggers/ solid refusers.  Every meal was stressing me out and I was having visions of kindergardeners still wanting their formula.

    The only advice I have would be to just keep at it.  Don't stress about what they are eating or not eating.  If they can handle puffs/mummums, then give them those.

    I never believed it when people told me that one day it'll just "click" - but it really is true.  We went thru it with purees and finger food.


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  • One of my girls had a horrible gag reflex, I had to stay away from certain textures for awhile. 

    Did you try thining the purees out with some formula or water? 

    You could keep moving toward table foods if they take the puffs well - is their pincher grip ok?  Mine didn't have one until about 9.5 months- it took a bit.  I'd over cook foods like peas- small enough that there's no real choking hazard and mushy.  Carrots also if they are in tiny pieces.

    Have you tried yogurt?  My girls are yogurt FREAKS!  Eating yogurt got them used to the texture of something going down their throat and they took solids better after that.

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  • Thanks ladies! One of my major stressors has always been around feeding them. Bottles, solids, whatever. I'm a giant spaz about it and it's even worse now that they STTN. I'm terrified that they won't eat enough and I'll be up all night feeding them. I've gone a bit (read: a lot) neurotic.

    I think I'll just try to give them finger foods and forget the purees all together. Both of them turn their heads and close their mouths now when they see a spoon.

    They do really, really enjoy having food on their trays that they can feed themselves. It just doesn't really make it into their mouths too often, so of course I stress about them not eating enough, even though they still take 32oz formula/day.

    @Amanda: we gave them a little bit of plain Greek yogurt the other day just for a taste. They LOVED it. Unfortunately, it's Mommy's 0% fat Greek yogurt so I'll have to go out and get some full fat stuff. Who knew my kids would love PLAIN yogurt. Weird children!

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  • Mine are like this too.  Some tricks I use:

    - keep cereals pretty liquid (should be able to swish around in bowl) 

    - put salt in their rice cereal 

    - sing, make silly faces, clap, snap fingers, dance and when they smile, in goes the spoon.  when they take a bite get soooooo excited and proud and annimated

    - dangle irresistable toys in front of them to distract, and in goes the spoon

    - they like strange things, like avocado and yogurt.  the regular baby foods not so much! 

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  • OH, Ella's Kitchen makes good "strange" mixtures, stuff you wouldn't think of, and they like those too.
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  • Natty seems to despise purees, so we've started giving her soft finger foods to eat instead.  She LOVES them.  I think she prefers to feed herself, so we'll set her up with a couple of "banana sticks", which are fairly self-explanatory, and she'll happily gnaw on them until they're gone.

    We've also tried giving her a spoon to play with when we do try to give her purees.  It helps keep her distracted so we can get a little food in her mouth. 

    If you haven't already, try checking out the baby led weaning section of  It has some great ideas about what to give babies who don't seem to take to purees. 



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  • imageMaygenDL0ve:
    OH, Ella's Kitchen makes good "strange" mixtures, stuff you wouldn't think of, and they like those too.

    I don't think we have that brand? up here. I've only seen Gerber, Heinz, store brands and Beechnut.

    They all out refuse the spoon more often than not. They did previously eat 3 puree meals/day. The last week or so has been a major struggle to get them to eat just a couple of spoonfuls. They are testing my patience lately....

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  • imagecinema_goddess:

    Natty seems to despise purees, so we've started giving her soft finger foods to eat instead.  She LOVES them.  I think she prefers to feed herself, so we'll set her up with a couple of "banana sticks", which are fairly self-explanatory, and she'll happily gnaw on them until they're gone.

    We've also tried giving her a spoon to play with when we do try to give her purees.  It helps keep her distracted so we can get a little food in her mouth. 

    If you haven't already, try checking out the baby led weaning section of  It has some great ideas about what to give babies who don't seem to take to purees. 

    Because I'm lame and can't multi-quote...

    Thanks CG. I've skimmed that website a few times for puree recipes but never looked into BLW b/c I figured I wouldn't need to ... ha.

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  • imageblondek8:

    OH, Ella's Kitchen makes good "strange" mixtures, stuff you wouldn't think of, and they like those too.

    I don't think we have that brand? up here. I've only seen Gerber, Heinz, store brands and Beechnut.

    They all out refuse the spoon more often than not. They did previously eat 3 puree meals/day. The last week or so has been a major struggle to get them to eat just a couple of spoonfuls. They are testing my patience lately....

    Strong stubborn boys.. I bet it's just the beginning :)  You can buy Ella's Kitchen on Target's website.  Free shipping if you buy $50 worth or more!  Good luck w/ the feedings, hope it gets better sooner rather than later. 

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