Cloth Diapering

Give me your best lanolizing tips

I need to lanolize and when I have tried before it didn't work.  I used the tutorial online and I think, if I remember correctly, the lanolin didn't really dissolve so it didn't cover the pants.  Any advice from you crazy ladies with all the wool?
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Re: Give me your best lanolizing tips

  • I boil water in the tea kettle and then pour it over the lanolin before I add it to the bucket with the wool in it. But don't ask me - I just got a WCW soaker and it says less is more for Lanolin. I've always used a ton of it!
  • right now i'm using a liquid lanolin, so i use about 2 quarter sized squirts... i put it in an old jelly jar, add a squirt of baby shampoo, and then add super hot tap water and fill the jar about half way, put the lid on the jar... then SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE until it's all cloudy and dissolved.

    once i run out of this i've got a thicker lanolin similar to the lansinoh kind, and will probably use and and inch's worth of that, and same method as above. 

    i wash my wool in the sink, so i have the sink about half way full (bc i wash about 5-6 pieces of wool at a time) or enough cool/tepid water to cover the wool by an inch or two...   and then i add my shaken lanolin mix to the water and swish it around w/my hands to toss the wool around in the water. 

    i try to let it soak for as long as possible.  some people say 5min, some 20.... i try do to at least an hour.  i don't know if a longer soak helps or not, but i figure it can't hurt!  then i drain my sink, press out all the excess water, and then i toss it in the washer on spin cycle to get the rest out, then i lay it flat to dry.  

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  • I use Lansinoh nipple cream.  I squirt a pea-sized amount into a baby food jar along with a teeny squirt of shampoo or Dawn, and HOT water.  Then I screw the lid on and shake shake shake until it's totally dissolved.  (The shampoo or Dawn helps emulsify the lanolin and makes it dissolve better.)

    Meanwhile, I fill a large bowl with tepid water and put my wool in it.  I like to turn the wool inside out so the lanolin mostly gets on the inside.  I then pour the lanolin mixture over the wool, and gently squeeze the wool in the crotch areas to work it through.  I let it soak at least 30 minutes, then drain, spin out in the washer, and hang or lay out to dry.  

    When I lanolize for the first time, I like to repeat this process twice.  Subsequent lanolizings, I just do it once.

    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • imageroundtheworldgirl:

    Meanwhile, I fill a large bowl with tepid water and put my wool in it.  I like to turn the wool inside out so the lanolin mostly gets on the inside.  I then pour the lanolin mixture over the wool, and gently squeeze the wool in the crotch areas to work it through.  I let it soak at least 30 minutes, then drain, spin out in the washer, and hang or lay out to dry.  

    This is what I do too. I put a little lanolin in something with a lid, add super hot water, and shake. I use a pea size amount of liquid lanolin per item I'm lanolizing.

  • Thanks ladies!  I am missing the shampoo piece so that should help!!!!
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