I totally admit it. I am that creepy lady who just lurks in the shadows. The one who's not even pregnant yet However, I have faith that it will happen someway, some day. So, at any rate. Here I am.
We want to CD and this is the one thing I am allowing myself to research/ buy before we are PG. I justify it by saying it's going to be expensive and better to buy on sale overtime. At least that'swhat I tell DH . So far I have about 25 BG 4.0's, and a few random other pockets. I know it's silly to put cart before horse as we aren't sure what may or may not work, but I got them for a great price and figured I could always resell. So at this point, I'm focusing more on a NB stash; most likely fitteds.
So, after that lenghty intro...has anyone skipped the NB stash with their LO? If so, how big were they when they were born? I have a feeling we will have a big baby and would hate to buy a stash for only a few weeks. TIA!
Re: Coming out of lurkdom
Hi there! I hope you have a little one in the not too distant future to diaper. My baby was tiny, so we definitely did not skip the NB dipes, but they do have good resale value, if that helps
My DS definitely wasn't big at 6lb7oz, but he showed up early. He didn't start fitting well into most OS diapers until about 11 lbs, and I finally got a decent fit on the one Kissaluvs we have at about 13 lbs. You could always buy prefolds and covers to tide yourself over, or consider doing a service for a couple of months (that's what my SIL is doing with her new baby).
DD was not small at 8lb3oz (pretty average or perhaps a bit larger), but she was slow to gain so we used NB diapers for like 13 weeks. I will probably have a larger baby next time, but we will use NB dipes again. Even if they don't have a ton of growing room the cord area is easily irritated.
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
My son was 7lbs 12oz and he didn't even fit into newborn diapers the first week- we had to use preemie prefolds and the VERY few SMALLER newborn diapers we had. I would guess that unless you have a record breaking big baby you will need a newborn stash and like others said the resale value is great on newborn diapers- especially if they are "like new" and only used a few weeks
Good luck with TTC and we can tell you are a CD freak like us already! All crazy CDers have stashes pre-baby! I have pink diapers and no little girl (or maybe I will have one in November ) and I had newborn diapers about a week into this pregnancy!
HAHA! Thanks for the encouragement. My problem, though, is that I'm not so good at moderation. If I allowed myself to buy in all areas, we would be stocked before we're even PG and then all the fun would be over! I'm only slightly breaking the rules with CDs....'cause, you know, stuff them in a drawer. If you can't see it, it doesn't exist.
Only being in this phase for such a short time, what would you suggest (number wise) for fitteds and covers?
Yes...it's scary. Did I mention that I've bought my entire stash in a little under a week? YIKES! Must slow down, but now I can't get over cute fitteds. I'm trying to stay gender NR., which to me really means no pink, purple, flowers, etc.
Welcome out of lurkdom. Best wish with TTC.
...Baby Blog...CD Blog...
My DS was in his OS diapers by around 9 weeks. He was 8 lbs 9oz at birth, and only wore newborn clothes for about 10 days - I'll never buy newborn clothes again!
The general rule of thumb for newborns is 8-12 diapers per day (I'd lean towards 12, newborns like to go!) So, you can decide how often you'd like to do laundry, I'm a fan of every other day.
Oh, and welcome!
Hi and welcome!
Our DD was a peanut (6 lb 12 oz) at birth and was in nb CDs for almost 3 months, so I can't imagine skipping the nb stage. OS diapers typically don't fit until 10-12 lb, so unless you're going to deliver a moose (which is possible, my nephew was 10 lb 12 oz), I'd still have a nb stash. You can always get used diapers or those that were prepped and never used.
HI! I didn't start CDing until LO was about 4 months old, so we completely skipped needing a NB stash. However, with our next one we are going to start from day one so I'll need to build one when the time comes. Also, LO was 8lbs, 5oz....not tiny at all, but I can't imagine her fitting into any of the OS dipes we have now. She would have been swimming in them. I think for my NB stash I'll probably do fitteds and covers.
Welcome, by the way. This is the board that brought me out of lurkerdom!