Cloth Diapering


How are folks getting multiple diapers at a time during a stocking?! Julie Hall-Dunn, if you are on TB, please share your secrets. 
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Re: Really?!

  • I'm guessing multiple stalkers?


    Also, did you just try to friend me on FB?  It came through as a message. 

  • I'm thinking that they score the more popular print first then have another page open of all diapers/or another diaper that is less popular and are able to get two because no one else was trying for it. 
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  • I've scored 2 twice now.  Both times I had two windows open and just clicked like a mad woman.  The first time I actually froze up and thought I got nothing, but then saw my cart :-)

    It's a lot of luck I think.

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  • imagecdep1:
    I'm thinking that they score the more popular print first then have another page open of all diapers/or another diaper that is less popular and are able to get two because no one else was trying for it. 
    I have scored 2 before this way.
  • I got 2 by myself once- custom & another.  I was super fast that day.  All paid within 90 sec.  Failed ever since, lol.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • imagepixy_stix:

    I'm guessing multiple stalkers?


    Also, did you just try to friend me on FB?  It came through as a message. 

    Pixy, yes I did :-) You only got the message? Lousy FB. 

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