First, the bump hates me. it hasn't let me on in so long. but, the other night i was able to get on the nest. so weird. I have no idea what was wrong but it kept saying internet explorer can't display the webpage or something along those lines.
We moved again almost 2 weeks ago. In the process DH put DS in a CD eventhough i said just use sposies while we move. Well, I didn't know and he went poo and DH rinsed it and put it in a bag. I found it a few days after we moved and washed it a few times. It has a poo stain outside on the fabric and I've sunned it but nothing is helping. It's my favorite diaper DS has and he wore it in his 1st birthday pictures so it's even more sentimental.
Has anyone seen it this fabric anywhere?
sorry it's so big but when i resized it you couldn't really see the fabric.
Re: Fabric please