My tenative plan is to use a cloth diaper service for maybe the first 2 months roughly, its only $17/wk for twins. But I don't want to use it the entire time,just while Im getting in the swing of being a new mom. I'd like to possible register if BRU or target have cloth diapers that are worth buying or even seek them out to buy on my own elsewhere off the registry. I'm wondering if you could please recomend some cloth diapers either at the above stores or elsewhere? I have read about them and just feel overwhelmed at all the different types of cloth diapers, I need advice! Are prefolds best?
Other question is how many diapers do would you recomend I buy for twins? I'll be staying home for a while once they are born so doing laundry isn't an issue.
Thanks so much, Im feeling so lost about the diaper situation
Re: please recomend
The cloth diapering options can definitely be overwhelming. A good place to start is the FAQ link at the top of the board.
Regarding Target & BRU diapers, the general consensus here is that they aren't going to serve you very well. A lot of people do use prefolds, and I'm sure you can get some good recommendations here (I personally don't have a lot of experience with prefolds.) What will work best for one baby and family may not be your preference. It can be beneficial to do a trial (jillian's drawers is a popular one) to see what type of diapers you like, and you can exchange the ones you don't like in favor of those.
I think for infants the general recommendation would be 8-12 diapers per baby per day. If you want to wash every other day, obviously that would increase.
Good luck, and ask if you have any more questions!
I think they sell BumGenius at I would register for those, letting people know that you are interested in cloth diapering, but not actually expecting people to buy them. People will very rarely purchase cloth diapers for you because 1) people don't trust that you will actually stick with it and 2) they are expensive in the mind of a non CD-er. They want to pay around $50 and get you a nice gift but for CDs that would only be like 2 cloth diapers.
Personally I like having some prefolds for newborns just because they outgrow them so quicky and prefolds are cheap but I like fitteds + wool covers and pocket diapers for older babies.
we just did prefolds mostly for the first two months. i did some fitteds at night with snaps so that it would be easier to diaper in the middle of the night while sleep walking.
you could register on for those. I used OsyCozy prefolds and Kissaluv fitteds.
Newborns poop and pee all the time, so you definitely don't want to use the nice diapers at the beginning, or you'll be buying a lot of them. prefolds are the cheaper way to go.