I generally use a wet pail for my dipes. I got a couple GroVias and a Happy Heiney yesterday (thanks to the ecobabyoutlet sale) and both list in their instructions to put them in a dry pail. Will putting them in a wet pail hurt them?
What type (wet or dry) of pail do you use and why?
Re: Dry pail vs. wet pail
I use a dry pail because a wet pail seems really gross and hard to deal with, especially with my front loader washer.
I wash every day or two... no problems so far.
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I thought wet pails were a thing of the past.
I have enough trouble getting my diapers into my front-loader as it is when mny liner is being cranky, I can't imagine using a wet pail.
I do sometimes spray down gross diapers before throwing them in the pail, but that's it.
I have enough trouble getting my diapers into my front-loader as it is when mny liner is being cranky, I can't imagine using a wet pail.
I do sometimes spray down gross diapers before throwing them in the pail, but that's it.
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
Am I the only one that uses a wet pail? I use dry sometimes, like when I'm too lazy to go get the wet pail from the basement laundry room if I've left it down there the night before.
Maybe I'll try out using a dry pail for a while and see how it goes, just for fun. When I started CDing, a couple people recommended the wet pail so I just went with it. Ours is an old PVA bucket with a really tight snap on lid and we keep it in the bathroom with the lid on and door closed so that DS doesn't get to it. I haven't had issues with smell or bacteria or rashes, so I don't know if there is any truth to those ideas (but maybe for some others it is). I fill it halfway with water and add about a 1/4-1/2 Tbsp. Charlie's Soap for the soak. Our laundry tub is right next to the washer so I just dump the water and then pour the dipes into the washer (top loader -- we're old school). So far it works for us but hey, maybe I'll find that the dry is easier and keeps my dipes just as clean.
Thanks for the input ladies.