Ok, so where I live the public schools have a better/stronger education than the private schools. Kids who switch from private to public are pretty far behind and have catching up to do (this has happened to 3 of my friends who switched). That said, they aren't horrible..just not at the same level.
The public school my DD's are at has a BUNCH of problems....the longer they are there, the worse it gets...in general. For them specifically, etc. They are getting a fine education, but its the OTHER stuff that isn't so good. The principal is horrible. The teachers are just ok. The supervision is lacking and stuff keeps happening to my girls. Again this week there are serious problems and I'm beginning to wonder if that is the cause of Audrey's headaches. Its ridiculous that I can't feel like my girls are safe at school.
To "opt" into a different school is a whole process that started back in February so that isn't much of an option.
To move...its going to happen but not until next summer. And hopefully the kids will be in a better school.
Sooo..would you send your kids to the private school for a year until you move? Knowing their education will not be as strong?
Or keep them where they are? Try to teach my girls how to protect themselves better? Continue fighting with the principal over the issues which so far is not changing anything??
Or something else? homeschool? other? I don't know?
Re: WWAND???
Will it be financially feasible for you to private school?
Why would their education not be as strong through the private school?
What issues are not changing? (Remind me==quick overview)
I would leave them in the public school and step up the interaction with the school. If the principal isn't giving you any joy, go to the school board. That's what they're there for. Threaten to involve the authorities for sexual harassment. That ought to get some results pretty fast.
As a teacher, I had harassment issues from students that the principal ignored. I quit, made complaints and he was fired that summer.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Contact the school board and find out if it really is too late to start the switch. When we moved A, we were told that we could do it later, even though the paperwork said X date.
Short of that, keep them there for another year (esp if you plan on moving districts/schools, you don't want to move them this next year, then move them again) and continue to fight it out. New kids, new teacher. The principal isn't changing, but the teacher might be a better advocate, or the redistribution of kids will be enough so that the problems don't happen this year. (I'm thinking the issue w/ A is what you are talking about...)
ETA: I am referring to an in-district move, not sure if you are wanting to switch districts or not. I know that final count doesn't take place until Aug or something w/ PLV. Might be worth a shot, and I would make huge notes as to why you want to change.)
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
1st was boy who said "if you don't unbutton your pants I won't be your friend."
2nd was boy who had his hand down her pants, under her underwear, poking her butt.
3rd is a boy who kept trying to kiss her on Friday.
I would be fine with an in-district move, especially if I could get my DH to narrow down the neighborhoods that we would want to live in..and maybe it wouldn't be two changes. I'm also a bit frustrated that DH doesn't want to move THIS summer when that was the plan until....oh.....a couple weeks ago when DH decided we should stay one more year.
The whole thing is FRUSTRATING!!! I'm so po'd right now....
I agree with PP's that suggest:
aggressively work within the system. Keep records of the specifics of incidents. Follow up now with repeat in-person meetings with all individuals familiar with the events: aides, teachers, principal and include a guidance counselor. If there is no plan in place to assure your child's safety, then go to the school board and raise holy he!!. Be organized and calm when speaking, but demand resolution and A PLAN.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13