I'm hoping to CD once my little one is here in Oct. I've been doing some research and found that a lot of people are using BG's, FuzziBunnies and other CD's. My undertanding is that you need to use a prefold or insert with most CD's. I was wondering if anyone just uses a plain prefold with a plastic cover? I guess I don't understand why the other covers are so popular. I get that they are cute, but they are covered most of the time. I have also read that you need to change a cloth diaper every 2-3 hrs, so what difference does it make if I spend $25 on a cover or $2? Maybe I'm just trying to over simplify the CD process.
Thanks for your input.
Re: FTM question
Most BGs and Fuzzibunz are pocket diapers...meaning that they are waterproof (do not need a cover) and have a pocket that you stuff with the absorbant insert. These are really easy to put on....as easy as diposables. Most daycares will only let you use pocket CDs. Also, the inner part of most pocket diapers are made of microfleece or some other stay dry type material that wicks away the moisture from your LO's skin.
Yes, lots of people use prefolds with covers. For me, they were very bulky, hard to get on with all the squirming my LO does on the changing table and I just found them to be messy. Also, I found that I had to change a lot more often and there was no way I could use pre-folds during naps or at night. Again, lots of people use them and love them, this is just my experience.
FBs and BGs are pocket diapers - it's a different type of system than prefold + cover. The benefit of pocket diapers is that they usually (but not always) have a synthetic inner layer that wicks moisture away from the bottom, keeping baby drier. This is important to me because DD1 is very rash-prone, and DD2 hates feeling wet.
I used prefolds and covers with both of them in the newborn stages, and I really loved the simplicity, and how easy prefolds were to keep clean. But eventually DD1 started peeing through them really quickly, and that's when we moved to pockets. DD2 didn't tolerate prefolds very long because of her aforementioned dislike of being wet. Some people use fleece liners in their prefolds to help wick wetness, but that did not work for us because DD2 was still getting wet around the hips and getting pissed off.
It's really just about finding what works for you.
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Thanks for your responses. I think the hardest part for me is that I could spend a couple hundred dollars on diapers that don't work for us. Even though we could afford to spend that much on diapers, I don't want to. This may be our first and last baby. I know I can purchase diapers used, I just have an issue with it. We live in the middle of the desert and I there isn't even a place that sells pocket diapers within 90 min of us for me to go look at!
I'm going to be a SAHM so I think we'll just go with prefolds and a cover at first and see how that works out before purchasing pocket diapers. If prefolds work for us, awesome, if not we'll try something else. Hubby and I have discussed it and we plan to use disposables when we travel and go out just because it's easier for us. If we find that doesn't work we'll try something else.
I wasn't huge fan of buying used either, but knowing that other people buy them made it easier for me to buy diapers to try. I know that I can make most of my money back if they don't work for my LO.