Damn!! I totally am going to have to sit this one out, we're moving at the end of June and I don't want to forget. I'm so in for Christmas again though!
First comes Love Nov 11, 2003, Then Marriage: Aug. 23, 2006.
Baby??? TTC since May 2010. Started seeking additional medical
intervention (again) Summer 2013, finally appointment is booked! Formerly buttercupaug 06 -
and I was almost silver PAIF/SAIF/PGAL/PAL ALL WELCOME! Aug 16, 2013 - SA done - All good strong numbers Apr 3, 2014 - Consult with OBGYN to get my testing started. Mar 6, 2014 - Surprise BFP!!!! EDD Nov 9th. Consult with OBGYN changed to prenatal meet and greet! May 2, 2014 - NT scan perfect! Can't wait to find out what team we're on. June 11, 2014 - it's official, we're TEAM PINK!!! Welcome Piper Laine!! November 10, 2014
Re: Christmas in July elfster
Me too!! I plan to shop when I am in the city for the FET. And it's a pretty famous Canadian city so I am so excited.
FET: Success! Beta at 14dp5dt: 2427 TWINS!!
Who do I PM?
Yeah, it's like a Secret Santa. We figure about $20-$25
You can PM me for an invite
FET: Success! Beta at 14dp5dt: 2427 TWINS!!
You are - it's weird, I had to follow the link from my email for it to show up. If I just go to elfster and log in the event doesn't show.
Formerly buttercupaug 06 - and I was almost silver
Aug 16, 2013 - SA done - All good strong numbers
Apr 3, 2014 - Consult with OBGYN to get my testing started.
Mar 6, 2014 - Surprise BFP!!!! EDD Nov 9th. Consult with OBGYN changed to prenatal meet and greet!
May 2, 2014 - NT scan perfect! Can't wait to find out what team we're on.
June 11, 2014 - it's official, we're TEAM PINK!!!
Welcome Piper Laine!! November 10, 2014
Photo courtesy of mrs_b