
S/O - After school care?

SxiaSxia member

What do your kids do after school? Who watches them?

How old are they?

If you are not with them, what time do you (or other parent) pick them up?

Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
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Re: S/O - After school care?

  • I only work out of the home on weekends so I'm home with the girls.  On days we don't have activities or playdates, the girls usually like to come straight home.  My 10 y/o likes to get her homework done right away while she has a snack, then I usually shoo her outside with her sisters until dinner.  If the weather isn't nice she plays wii or chills in her room (sews, reads, whatever).  My 7 y/o likes a snack and then she likes to play outside or in her room with her little sister (they miss eachother during the day). 

    I've been looking around to see what is available for after care since I'm thinking about working more.  So far, the best option is the kids club that is offered at the elementary school. 

  • I watch them now...when/if I go back to work they can stay in "enrichment" at school until 5:30.  Their school goes from preschool thru 8th grade.  I do really like their enrichment program because you can sign them up for lots of activites--ballet, irish dancing, mad science, monet art classes, piano lessons, etc--there are people that come to the school (on-site) & teach them these right there.  It's one of the reasons I really wanted them in this school.  My MIL is floating the idea of moving here though--if she does, she'd probably watch them because honestly before/after school care will be $15/hr for my 3 at a minimum so, I'd love to have someone watch them (at least part-time) for cheaper/free :o)
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  • If DH wasn't able to adjust his hours, we would be doing the after-care program at the school. Thankfully, DH is going to be home when DS gets off the bus, however.

    DS will be going to the before-school program each day in the morning.

  • They go to an afterschool program.   It's also my daycare for my younger children.

    5 turning 6.  DS1 will be doing half day preK and the other half day at daycare.  He is 3 turning 4.

    generally between 4-5pm

    check your school some have recommendation on the website, some have their own...also check with other local parents. 



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  • ccm1203ccm1203 member
    Check with your school, they might have an afterschool program through the YMCA or something similar.  Also, I got a list (albeit small) of potentional sitters from the school.  DS goes to a sitter for about 30 minutes, give or take until DH picks him up (we would lose too much income if DH left early every day).
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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