Cloth Diapering


There is so much information about cloth diapers out there I dont even know where to start. We are planning on CDing our second child, what brands are your favorite and why? What advice would you give that you wish you had ahead of time? I'm wondering if I should endeavor to sew them myself, have any of you done that before? Tell me all! TYIA!
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Re: Overwhelmed

  • If you're looking for basic CDing info, you might want to start with the FAQs (they're at the top of the main board page, on the right).

    We use a mix of prefolds (from Green Mountain Diapers) and pockets (different brands, but most are BumGenius or Blueberry).  I've made some pocket diapers/AIOs and some fitteds.  I wouldn't say that it's hard as long as you have a good pattern.  I'm a beginner sewer and I used the Darling Diapers Unlimited pattern, which I found really helpful because it has a lot of tips.  If you're a more experienced/adventurous seamstress there are plenty of free patterns available.

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  • I know just what you mean!  I was extremely overwhelmed at first, wanting to make the perfect decision.  Now though, I love CDing and feel very confident in our decision.

    First, check the FAQ at the top of the board, there's a lot of great information there.  Second, lurk on this board and you'll learn about a lot of different types and brands of diapers and how different people are using them.

    If I were to recommend just one thing it would be to try out prefolds.  They seem intimidating at first, but they're the least expensive and possibly most versatile.  Plus, you may end up loving them.  Also, covers with inner leg gussets are especially helpful in containing the poo!  Good luck!

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  • I would recommend doing a cloth diaper trial.  This way you can try out all sorts of different kinds and see what fits your LO.  I was not smart starting out and ordered all of one kind of cover.  Those did not fit my LO well.  I wish that I would have started out with different types of diapers to see what I like best.  Right now we are loving prefolds and flats with blueberry diaper covers.  Jillians drawers has a trial that many people reccomend.
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