Babies on the Brain

Casey Anthony trial

Dude. They're playing the 911 tapes. I'm feeling awful for Cindy right now and at the moment, I'm thinking Casey is as guilty as can be. Cindy was crying so hard on the stand that she had to ask for a break.
JHL 12/5/09 - 12/9/09
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Re: Casey Anthony trial

  • I can't believe how slimey her lawyer is.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Are the parents still standing behind her, with this new defense strategy?
    Sadie is not impressed.
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    "This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
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  • Is there a website that is streaming this? Or at least has some of it?
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  • I am watching it.  I can't believe how calm Casey was on the phone call, while her mom was losing it.  I can't imagine being in that situation. 

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    PCOS, Ectopic & M/C of twins October 2010, Currently TTC #2
  • danlexi, you can watch it on
    DS1 5/2010, DS2 11/2012
  • imagejensneb:
    I am watching it.  I can't believe how calm Casey was on the phone call, while her mom was losing it.  I can't imagine being in that situation. 
    I know. She was like "yeah, she's been missing for a month. I was searching for her myself. That was dumb. Silly me."
    JHL 12/5/09 - 12/9/09
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