Babies on the Brain


They were everywhere yesterday! lol So many kids at the festival and omg, adorable with their red hair. We went to check out the contest and it was sooo hot. Kimo was cranky and the problem with where the contest is is that there's no ramp. Everyone has to leave their stroller outside. Then there were no shaded seats ( I got burned in just walking around for a few minutes) They do the contest by each age group so we obviously would have been at the beginning and would have to wait ALL DAY for them to announce the winner. So, we had two big bowls of strawberry bread and strawberries with whipped cream and left. I saw the competition and she was sooo cute. She actually had hair too. lol People kept telling me to enter while I was watching a few minutes of the contest but I was like, no thanks. I don't need a trophy.
MY FOUR ANGELS... M/C 12/26/02 AT 4 WEEKS M/C 12/31/07 AT 12 WEEKS, D & C M/C 12/5/08 AT 9 WEEKS, D & C ***BFP ON 3/26/09*** MARY REYNA BORN AND PASSED AWAY JULY 31ST, 2009 AT 23 WEEKS. GOODBYE SWEET BABY...I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER. ***AFTER 17 WEEKS ON BEDREST*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: redheads!

  • I wonder if redheads planned the fuction?  If they did I would think they would have thought to have it covered, or shaded.  No one needs to leave the same color as their hair!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageLyssapee:
    I wonder if redheads planned the fuction?  If they did I would think they would have thought to have it covered, or shaded.  No one needs to leave the same color as their hair!

    Exactly what I was thinking.

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  • imageLyssapee:
    I wonder if redheads planned the fuction?  If they did I would think they would have thought to have it covered, or shaded.  No one needs to leave the same color as their hair!

    lol...that's what Dh said. He was like, hello? You are fair skinned. I guess it's just always in the same auditorium...all the contests are. I didn't even realize I was burned until we got home.

    MY FOUR ANGELS... M/C 12/26/02 AT 4 WEEKS M/C 12/31/07 AT 12 WEEKS, D & C M/C 12/5/08 AT 9 WEEKS, D & C ***BFP ON 3/26/09*** MARY REYNA BORN AND PASSED AWAY JULY 31ST, 2009 AT 23 WEEKS. GOODBYE SWEET BABY...I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER. ***AFTER 17 WEEKS ON BEDREST*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagemrsmacias2008:

    I wonder if redheads planned the fuction?  If they did I would think they would have thought to have it covered, or shaded.  No one needs to leave the same color as their hair!

    lol...that's what Dh said. He was like, hello? You are fair skinned. I guess it's just always in the same auditorium...all the contests are. I didn't even realize I was burned until we got home.

    DH is one of those freaky red-heads who tans. Though when he's not tan, he's so white he glows in the dark, lol.

    We both keep dreaming that Natalie will be a red-head; I'll love her no matter what, but I have to say a little piece of my heart would be so overjoyed if she is. I've always loved red-heads, always wanted to be one.

  • I used to HATE my hair when I was a kid. I was teased a little.   Crying And being Mexican/Filipino with red hair and very light skin, people are always asking questions. It's like look, go back and look at your own family history and you will see all different skin tones/hair/eye color.

    MY FOUR ANGELS... M/C 12/26/02 AT 4 WEEKS M/C 12/31/07 AT 12 WEEKS, D & C M/C 12/5/08 AT 9 WEEKS, D & C ***BFP ON 3/26/09*** MARY REYNA BORN AND PASSED AWAY JULY 31ST, 2009 AT 23 WEEKS. GOODBYE SWEET BABY...I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER. ***AFTER 17 WEEKS ON BEDREST*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • They have a redhead festival where you live?

    That's incredible! I wish I had gotten to go to something like that growing up. I love my hair now, but growing up as a redhead was difficult and left me subject to a lot of teasing.

    How wonderful that something like that exists now! I'm still hoping O will be a redhead. 

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