Different people in my family host different holidays. That way everyone knows from year to year where/when things will be. Usually the "host family" sends out a mass email or a small invitation/reminder with the time of the get together and a request to bring a covered dish. DH and I have traditionally hosted Memorial Day and it just so happened that it fell on our anniversary this year. Not a big deal to us... we figured we'd still have plenty of time together after everyone went home (and we did!). So most of our family ended up bringing us cards and gifts for our anniversary, BIL even gave us an anniversary toast before the meal, and SIL called the gathering our "anniversary party" several times. As people were leaving to go home, those who didn't bring cards/gifts said things like "oh I'm really sorry I didn't bring a gift or anything, I didn't know it was an anniversary party" or "hey if I would have known it, I would have just brought your card today instead of mailing it". We told them it actually wasn't an anniversary party and that it was just a Memorial Day cookout (umm you know just like we've hosted the past three years) (and nevermind that the decorations were all red, white, and blue). All of the emails and information we sent out about the get together said Memorial Day. Nowhere did we say anything about our anniversary. The only thing mentioned about that was when MIL asked if we were sure we wanted to have it that day b/c it was our anniversary and we said yes, that was the plan and it was fine. A lot of our family members had to work on Saturday and our neighbors usually have a big cookout on Sunday so we figured parking would be an issue if they were both on the same day. Anyhow, now I feel bad. I don't want people thinking we threw ourselves an anniversary party. Should I send out thank you cards to those who brought gifts?? Should I worry about further clarifying that it was a Memorial Day cookout, not an anniversary party?? I tried to do that as much as possible, but I'm sure I didn't get to everyone. WWYD?
Re: Yet another WWYD?
Happy Anniversary!
You're over thinking it. I wouldn't do anything else, it was clearly a Memorial Day party.
You are overthinking it.
And fwiw, I'm in the camp that wedding anniversaries are something to be celebrated by the couple, not everyone else. I'd feel a bit odd if a bunch of people gave me gifts/cards for that.
I probably am overthinking this. I just hate it when people get the wrong impression about things. I actually didn't mind the cards and well-wishes, but they definitely didn't need to bring gifts and that's the part I feel worst about. DH and I both come from families who send cards for everything (or at least it seems that way) so we send anniversary cards to the immediate family, but nothing beyond that. Thanks for your thoughts
We were married the day after Thanksgiving so we don't always get to spend it to ourselves. However, whichever family we are spending it with usually acknowledges it with a gift/card.
I wouldn't worry about any further clarification -- it seems to me that it was "advertised" as a Memorial Day cookout and you just happen to have some really thoughtful relatives who knew it was your anniversary and brought you cards/gifts.
I would, however, send out thank you notes to anyone who gave you a gift, but that's just how I was raised.