Today I was just talking to my mom about how I wanted to do my maternity pictures before I started getting stretch marks, since I don't have any yet and I'd like to do some bare belly pictures.
Just took off my shirt to put my PJs on and BAM two of them! They're small yet, but they're very noticable (my skin is freaky pale).
So much for being smarter than the stretch marks.
Re: Son. Of. A. Biitch.
If you do them soon you won't have to have as many retouched. So that's a positive, right?
I'd offer more than sympathy but I have stretchies too and I did everything they tell you to do to prevent them.
So, sorry.
A good photographer can photoshop them out, just get them done soon.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
Embrace them...
Or, Photoshop. There's almost nothing Photoshop can't cure. Seriously.
Damn stretch marks always ruin the party.
I thought I would make it through without them, but they showed up much later in my pregnancy. And there were a ton.
I vote do them soon- less to edit!
Married 11/24/07
Camille Rae 8/21/10
Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14
eh... photog is going to be expecting to deal with them. I wouldn't worry. They are going to touch up the skin on your face, fine lines, acne, maybe even tiny things that you havent noticed.
In your position, I would start calling around to book someone... 30-32 weeks is usually best
A friend of mine is doing them for me actually, I'm really stoked. She used to be my boss when I worked at the studio, but I left a while ago and she left recently. She's building her portfolio to start working independently and she has 0 maternity pictures right now (When we worked for the commercial studio we weren't allowed to portfolio any of the shots we took, and she didnt have the time to work on her own).
I'll be like 29 1/2 weeks when I do them, that sounds good right? It's going to rule!