Special Needs

Advice needed

I'm really worried about my DD and any advice would be greatly appreciated. She is almost 15 months and doesn't know any words. She kinda babbles but doesn't make the traditional mama, dada, baba sounds. Most of her sounds are vowels, "ha","hi" and "guh". She repeats "guh" a lot. She doesn't know her name and doesn't really know simple commands except no. She is very loving to us, not really to strangers. She is able to play alone but really enjoys being the center of attention. She doesn't clap or wave but she can play peek a boo. She also doesn't have many favorite toys but lately she has really enjoyed throwing balls picking them up and throwing them again. We had her evaluated by EI at 13 months and she had a 2 month delay and didn't qualify since she needs to have at least a 6 month delay. We had her hearing tested and that seemed fine too. Lately she has this thing where she likes to shake her head no and pits her head down lie she is tackling you when she walks. Not sure if she just likes to do that or what the deal is. I worry about everything and we of course are going to talk to her pedi at her next appointment I was just hoping you ladies may have some insight. TIA!



BFP #1 - 3/19/09 - M/C  - 4/5/09 6 weeks 2 days
BFP #2 - 7/1/09 - DD born 3/8/2010
BFP #3 - 11/1/10 - chemical pregnancy
BFP #4 - 1/2/11 - DS born 9/8/11
BFP#5 - 7/13/13 - stick baby stick!  Due 4/24/14

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