Ok, so K. collected the money for (can't remember her screen name...the nestie who's husband passed away?? help??)
Did all of that money get to the person intended???
I'm sure it did, but I'm not feeling very trusting towards K. (and feeling worried for her kids like EVERYONE)
Also re. the tattoo...did she ever post a picture of it on facebook? seems like if you did that, you'd post it on facebook too??? It did not look new in hte picture on here.
(does anyone know if Kori's mother also was posting on here....ala buttersbeanmama?? KIDDING..SARCASM....Probably not nice to say, but....)
Re: My flameworthy question about the dramz.....
But... You aren't the only one wondering about the money..... and the coincidental timing of her getting that tattoo.
And, yes, she did post about it on FB.
Well, you know, before she deleted all but EK and belle from FB.
I do know that katesmomma did post on here thanking people, so at the very least, she got something.
I actually chose not to give money because of who was coordinating.
ETA: w/r/t facebook, we weren't friends so I don't know much about that.
I gotta get my BS meter re-calibrated or something. I totally bought into this at first. I think childbirth made me lose my edge.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
If its the same nestie Im thinking about whos husband passed recently and has a little girl the money did get to her. The nestie came on and posted a thank you. They were using the money on their trip to Disney if I remember right. Not 100% sure.
I did see her tattoo and thought it looked a bit "older" than what she was letting on. But I dont have any tattoos and dh has not gotten a new one since we have been together so Im not sure what exactly they look like when they are "fresh". I assume it would be more red and remembering from years YEARS ago when a friend got one..shiny from the stuff they put on it.
Just my .02 cents.
Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
5/13/05 ******5/24/06
* Baby is due July 24 2012 *
I'm not doubting that the girl got SOME of the money..I remember the thank you and her blog post with the thank you...
i'm questioning whether she got ALL of the money. I wasn't very clear.
The nestie was katesmama.
I did contribute and Kori did send an email, I think, saying at one point how much was collected. I have thought about it and I don't know.
LOL, dandr. I could probably do that.
Although it always, always makes my husband mad because he is like, "wtf, what did you buy for $x! what is this money you deposited?" It screws up his budget spreadsheets and graphs. Dork.
Katesmomma did post a thank you and it didn't sound off to me so I'm not questioning that one.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Yeah, but Ecl has shopping sprees regardless of if she just collected money or not. I guess I just feel like A. she's been honest as far as I can tell on here. B. She has no need (seemingly..maybe everyone is a bs-er) for the money and C. she's done it in the past and no one has questioned it.
I haven't participated TOO often, but I do think that there are GOOD nesties out there....i refuse to believe that we are all a bunch of lying liars or exagerators or whatever...maybe its naive of me to think that, but I guess since I don't lie or exagerate, that there HAS to be others like me? I don't know.
I'm feeling bad for K. I am. I think she has serious problems. But HERE is not the place to seek help beyond "hey starting potty training" or "what would you do if your kid told a lie at school?" or whatever. Serious problems and nest do NOT work together....EVER.
Exactly, 100%. I really would like to think that we're all basically good, honest people. I'm pretty transparent on these boards- whatcha see is whatcha get- and I guess I assume that most others are like me.
I agree that I think most people on here are genuinely nice and sincere people who aren't lying.
I basically have two criteria that I have to meet before feeling comfortable with donating money.
- the person collecting is someone I think is trustworthy and doesn't set off any red flags.
- I never give more than I would be comfortable losing in case I am wrong.
And if I'm wrong, and someone is taking the money and running, then well, I hope they enjoy it.
That doesn't mean that I would roast them with flames here - I just wouldn't be bothered by the money being gone.
I haven't been here and have no idea what the drama is about but I did indeed get an incredible gift from all of you. I posted a thank you about it some time ago.
The gift was a tremendous help in getting Kate and I to Disney World a few weeks ago. I thought of all the wonderful women here the entire time we were gone.
Wish I could be here more but sadly, life is crazy busy right now and my internet time is limited.
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.
Now... off to catch up on the drama.