DH and I agreed on Annika (ahn-ik-ah) for DD, need opinions on middle names. Our last name has four syllables, starts with Es and ends with Ah sound. DS is Gavin Michael, his middle name is after my brother's name. In DH's family all the girls have the middle name Marie, I think it's a little cute but a little lame at the same time....plus my SIL is having a baby girl 6wks ahead of us and using the name Ava Marie so I think Annika Marie would be too similar?
Catherine (my Aunt's name, was the runner-up for first name)
Michelle (my middle name)
Maryann (DH's mother's name, her name is Mary Ann but I don't want to do two middle names)
Marie (DH family tradition with his sister and all neices so far)
Re: Picked FN, need opinions on MN for DD
I like Annika Michelle best... it flows nicely, and is rather beautiful!
Annika Catherine- the "ka" and "ca" sounds a little choppy.
Annika Marie flows well too, but I see what ya mean about being close to Ava Marie.
Annika Michelle
I like the flow, the fact that it's a family name on your side, and the geek in me loves that your son is Michael and she'd be Michelle.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
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