my ds (13mo) sleeps from 630-515 am and naps at 9am and 1230pm for about 90 minutes each. The morning nap is getting a little shorter as her gets older. I am petrified for Daylights Savings (clocks fall back). I do not want to start my day at 415am. We did Ferber at 6 mo. He soothes to sleep and was STTN which was my only saving grace. Now he is getting up 2 times a night and when I go in I pick him up, put in his paci,sing our bedtime song and put him back in and walk out. If it is 4am or before he goes back no problem. if it is closer to 5am- he is standing with a smile and thinks it's daytime. I feel sick just writing this- Needless to say I am very tired(with a job abd a 2 year old as well). I can deal with the 630 to 530 but now that he is waking (and sometimes crying when I leave) it stinks because I can't sleep when he cries (walls to thin). Do you think its the picking up and singing that is messing him up? With my dd, I would give her the paci but never pick her up. For the record I spent months trying to get him to sleep later with no success- Please Help me!!!
Re: Moms of EARLY risers and Ferber moms- HELP!
He may be ready for just one nap, dd was at 11 mo. ?It was an adjustment for a few weeks, but It sounds like he's there.
You should also move his bedtime by 10 minutes or so every couple of nights. ?I would rather sleep in an hour, wouldn't you??
I agree with the pp that he is probably ready for one nap and it will probably help him sleep longer at night.
I would drop the 9am nap and move the 12:30pm nap up a little earlier, eventually working it back to 12:30pm.
And if he does wake in the night, don't pick him up, give him his pacifier, lay him back down, rub his back and then leave.
Good luck!
He'll probably keep the same wake up time even after daylight savings.
I would definitely not pick him up for the night wakings...