He's out of town at a bachelor party. He's the best man in this wedding, and has been planning this forever. I talked to him at 4 yesterday and he was already wasted. I tried repeatedly to get in touch with him last night, W wanted to tell him about his t-ball party. No answer. He finally called at 1:30. It appears he passed out at 5. Seriously? You are 31 freaking years old. You were planning and organizing this whole party and you miss the freaking night? Idiot.
No, I don't expect him to be in touch with me at all times, but it would have been nice for him to at least have been reachable. I'm all for going out and having a good time, but to pass out at freaking 5pm? Seriously??
Re: SO annoyed with my husband right now.
Laugh at him at the wedding.
And, yes, I would be annoyed if I couldn't get in touch with him either.
Yep..this....I can't imagine TRYING to reach him when you already knew he was wasted...what kind of conversation would W have (if DH had answered) when he was already drunk. I'd laugh about it...he's the kid at the slumber party who fell asleep first....teaseworthy, yes, worth the energy to be angry? Probably not. And if it had been an emergency you probably could have called a friend, the hotel, something to get in touch..but it wasn't.
These are the kinds of things that irritate me too, irrationally!
Honestly, it could have been ME passed out at 5pm on a girls weekend. And Joe would laugh about it - not be angry at me. I try to reciprocate that every now and then.
I'm quite sure you can throw 'em back with the best of them so it's not entirely too far fetched to think that maybe, if the conditions were right (ie. tired, stressed, drank too much, etc) that you could have yourself passed out like this. Cut him some slack!
Not to say I wouldn't be posting the same exact thing you are - because I would. But I would also know it's irrational and I would need to get over it!
Best medicine for that -- totally razz him about it in front of his friends at the wedding. "Yea, poor little Markie can't hold his liquor anymore!"
Tell M he is getting old and that it's hella lame for the best man to miss the bachelor party. I know it's annoying, but he's a guy; a guy who apparently still thinks he can "hang." I imgaine he'll pace himself today.
Hopefully, he'll call W today and talk with him. I can't imagine how that convo would have gone down last night. I pray that you would have recorded it. LOL
Thanks ladies for both the validating me and making me realize how dumb I was. LOL
Hopefully he will pace himself today. Or he's really going to get hell by these guys.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
what if they draw a sharpie penis on his face? isn't that the typical penalty?
would we celebrate that or would we be mad?
I want to say it would be a goooood thing... but in the wedding pics...eh...he'd need some makeup
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Just think of it this way- he looks like a pussssss to his friends (lmfao) and you KNOW he didn't see any boobies.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
yeah- I think the boobs don't usually come out until at LEAST 6:30...
Boobies before 8 pm is just creepy anyhoo.
Unless they are mine, of course.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
senior citizen boobs come out earlier, huh? after dinner at old country buffet and before matlock and bed by 8:30.