I know I haven't posted much, but in case anyone was curious, I got my betas back. At 13 dpo, it was 97 and at 15 dpo, it was 197. I still can't believe that after 19 cycles and our first IUI, we are actually pregnant!! I go in next Wednesday for my first U/S. Good luck to all you ladies and I pray that your BFP are coming very soon!!
Re: Betas in!
M/C January 2008
DS February 16th, 2009
TTC #2 July 2010
Diagnosed MFI
IUI#1 w/ bravelle 5/12/11 -- 0% morph on day of IUI, but somehow BFP:
Beta #1 38 at 12dpiui, Beta #2 85 at 14dpiui Beta #3 1100 at 19dpiui
DD born December 28, 2011 at 34w6d
---------Game Over---------
Moving on as a family of 3
Lou's Infertility News
<a href="http://s863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/lillinzlou2/?action=view