Cloth Diapering

W: Sunbaby and Best Bottom (or any other AI2)

I'm looking to try Sunbaby dipes (I'm a cheapo, people!) and wanting to add to my stash of AI2's.  If anyone is destashing these, I'm interested!  Thanks.
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Re: W: Sunbaby and Best Bottom (or any other AI2)

  • If you email her directly she will sell you two with inserts for 12 and that includes shipping.

    [color=#FF0000]Mom to 5 girls 23,22,18,9,7 and one sweet Wonderboy almost 4[/color]
    The Chaos of Six!
  • imagesimplyatomic:
    If you email her directly she will sell you two with inserts for 12 and that includes shipping.
    I heard it takes awhile for shipping because they are coming from China.  I'm too impatient. Smile If I can't find some used in the next few days, I will end up contacting her.  Thanks!
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  • I will PM you shortly..
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  • We ordered our Sunbabies 2 weeks ago and they are currently in my wash prepping.  Got them yesterday.  So it does take a couple weeks, but it isn't bad
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  • imagepammeelala:
    We ordered our Sunbabies 2 weeks ago and they are currently in my wash prepping.  Got them yesterday.  So it does take a couple weeks, but it isn't bad

    I was going to say I think I got mine in about 7 days.


    [color=#FF0000]Mom to 5 girls 23,22,18,9,7 and one sweet Wonderboy almost 4[/color]
    The Chaos of Six!
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