Cloth Diapering

What does your kid sleep in?

We've been doing mostly fitteds and wool at night and it works a charm to keep M. rash- and leak-free. The only problem is zipping him into his sleepers at bedtime-- his bulky diapers make things more difficult! So I've ordered a pair of Woolybottoms footies and am wondering what your kiddos sleep in. Do you just pair a tee with longies/footies? Do you do a soaker & tee then put the kid in a sleepsack? (We have one of those but haven't tried it yet.) And why is it so hard to find plain baby tees that don't cost an arm and a leg?
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Re: What does your kid sleep in?

  • My LO uses a fitted + wool soaker at night and sleeps in 2-pc. pjs: pants with feet and top.
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  • I agree about the t shirts! Either they're ridiculously expensive or they're a onesie! Anyhoo, with the big one we do longies with a pj top. With the little one, she's in a fitted and fleece pj sack thing from carters. They're long sleeved and size 0-9 months, so there is plenty of room for the fluffy bum! I have footies for her, but can't find t shirts small enough, that don't cost a million dollars.
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  • We are still getting by with one piece but only because DS is pretty long and we have to size up so his feet aren't busting through. This leaves extra room for his fluffy butt! :)
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  • Tee with longies/footies/soaker depending on the weather.

    Target has plain baby tees cheap

  • We currently use two-piece pjs for DD1 (20 months) and a sleep and play for DD2 (7.5 months).  They both get sleep sacks, too.  The diapers are bulky and I can't snap the sleep n plays all the way, but I just do as many snaps as I can.  Now that it's getting warmer, a lot of nights DD1 just gets the top of the pj set with her sleep sack.  DD2 is always cold, though, so I haven't changed her attire yet.
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • Sometime we use hemp + pul + sleepsak

    Other times it's wool and a long sleeved t-shirt. 

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  • I have bought really cheap onesies and made them tshirts.  I also make tshirts from a ton of jersey fabric I got when Hancock had a huge sale.  

    At night we are still getting by with a prefold and cover. 

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  • We use either a BG 4.0 or HH at night. I put 2 inserts or a soaker with a prefold. Then a sleeper a size bigger than what she wears during the day. We still use a Halo Swaddlesack so that goes on as well.
  • A BG 4.0 with one MF insert and one AFFF insert.

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  • Fitted + wool shorties, and then he wears long socks and his Woollybottoms slippers on the bottom, and a onesie/t-shirt and babylegs on his arms on top. We're going out of town this weekend to the IL's cabin and I expect it to be cooler, so I'm bringing the fleece sleep sacks.

    I found plain white T-shirts (Gerber, I think) at BRU.  I'd think you'd be able to find them at Target too.

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  • A fitted w/wool - either a soaker or footies, and a tshirt. 

    re: inexpensive tshirts - found some on clearance at Target for $3 and under recently.

  • Thanks guys! I found a 3-pack of SpaSilk lap shoulder tees on Amazon-- think they might be nice and light for summer.
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