Parenting after 35

Double stroller-can you survive without it for 2 kids?

Hi Ladies, I mostly lurk but would like to know if anyone out there with 2 kiddos survived the first six months of baby #2 without a double stroller?

DD #1 will be 2 years old when DD #2 arrives in September.  I can't decide if I need a double stroller or not.  I love the Britax B-Ready but not really wanting to drop $800+ on a stroller I would only use for a few months since I would likely buy a Maclaren Triumph double when DD #2 turns 6 months old.  We travel by plane several times per year, and I am usually travelling 1-2 of those times by myself with DD and have found the Maclaren works best for security, gate check, etc.

Love to hear what some of you have done during those first six months.  I was hoping if I needed DD #1 in a stroller (currently use a Maclaren Triumph) that I could put DD #2 in a Bjorn. 

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Re: Double stroller-can you survive without it for 2 kids?

  • Nope, no car seat adapter for the Maclaren Triumph - it is one of their lower end umbrella strollers.
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  • jarbatzjarbatz member

    You might want to check out the 2u2 board...there are posts daily about double strollers.   We just have a single right now but will likely get the Baby Jogger City Mini - it's a side by side, super light, can fold with one hand and can take an infant seat.  I think it might also recline enough that you don't even need to use to infant seat. The 2010 models are available for $299.   The other one that's super populer is the Bumbleride Indie Twin....but that's like $600.  GL!

    Me-38, DH - 48 | DD born 3/17/10 | BFP 4/29/11 - M/C 5/31/11 Blighted Ovum | BFP 12/18/11 CP - 12/27/11 | Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I have a BJ City Select that converts from a single to a double if necessary.  I absolutely LOVE it!  There has to still be some new 2010's around to sell on a few websites...if not check out CL's or a local MoM's club, i'm sure a few people are starting to sell their slightly used ones now.

    Or is you really don't want to spend the $, just get 2 cheap umbrella strollers and hook them together with that stroller hook thingie (whatever it's called-sorry)

    image Nicholas Jacob born on 06/30/2009, 9.5lbs and 21 1/4" long Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Joshua Scott 5.3lbs & Jonathan Matthew 6.2lbs, born 08/31/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We're planning on getting a City Select with the extra seat thingie, but we're not in a hurry.  I'm going to use the moby and then the ergo for the little one first, and stick with our current stroller for M, and see how I do.  If it's really just too much, then we'll pick up the stroller.  You could try something similar, have a back up plan just in case but try to make it with just the bjorn and your current stroller...  The double will be there when you want it.  :)
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  • PeskyPesky member
    I did carry DS for about the first 3 mos and after that, he was getting a bit heavy to keep doing that.  I would take your time to shop around for a stroller that is going to work though.  I'm on my 3rd double stroller.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • I agree that wearing baby for more than 3 months was hard on my back !  But if you are in good shape, and don't wear baby too long, the carrier/stroller combo can work for you.

    The one thing I can tell you is that I just bought a Baby Trend Expedition double jogging stroller, for a whopping $160 including shipping.  #2 is 5 years old and #3 is 17 months, so I knew I wouldn't be able to use it for both of them for all that long (though once I tried it, I think I can get a year or two out of it, as the 5 year old has adequate room, and it seems like a durable stroller), I knew I could easily resell if for a good portion of what I paid (my local consigment store offered me $100 for when it's time to sell). But I have times when I do need to push them both, so I needed SOMETHING, but not badly enough to invest in something "high-end."

    If you want a double for now, that could be a route that might work. I can tell you though that it's not airport friendly.  It pushes like a breeze when the kids are in it, and fits through most doors (but not easily, it's a bit of shoving usually), but it's heavy and akward to carry.  but for general use it was a great investment.

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