Hey guys, I've made it 16 months using cloth only. It seems that DDs bladder has just gotten too big for daytime use. We had a diaper rash incident (only the 2nd one ever) so I bought some disposables and was just amazed at how I never had a wet outfit and we could go to the playground AND the store AND back home before needing to be changed without having wet her outfit.
I always double lined her diapers at night but I can't do that during the day, it's just too bulky. Any of you guys with heavy daytime wetters find a solution?
I already have LOTs of different types of liners: hemp, banboo, terry, really big terry
Re: CD moms of toddlers ?
Matthew is 15 months. I change him every two hours whether he wets his outfit or not just because I'm scared of diaper rash. How often do you change her?
Oh and at home during the day I use A12s with a fleece liner and at night I use a MSO with a wool cover.
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DD was a really heavy wetter. When I used pockets, I always double stuffed. What are you double stuffing with? I always used one microfiber or bamboo with one hemp -- hemp is very trim and works well as a second insert.
But I only used pockets when I had to. I mostly used fitteds and wool outside the house, and that was bulletproof for up to 3 hours, which is as long as I'd want to leave her in a wet diaper anyway, cloth OR disposable. (She usually leaked out of double stuffed pockets within two hours.)
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
How much are you giving her to drink? This may sound silly but we were having crazy leaks and when we talked to our pedi she told us we might be giving her to much to drink.
DD is 2.5 and still in diapers. We usually do an MF and hemp or bamboo in a pocket and a fitted + hemp for bed.
Hmmm, I don't know how much is appropriate. She has been drinking a TON. She doesn't take bottles anymore but she drinks a sippy full of OJ in the morning then somewhere between 3-6 sippies a day of water. She won't drink milk without it being in a bottle so now she just gets the calcium fortified OJ and tons of water. She eats heartily.
Does that sound like too much to drink? I just keep her sippy full and she will bring it to me if it needs filling.