If your DC speaks two languages, did you notice any delay with their speech initially?
DS is 16 months old and he is spoken to in english half of the time and spanish the other half. He only says a few words in either language - and it seems like, by this age, he should be talking more . I'm just wondering if this is "normal" and when can I expect him to catch up?
Also, at what point did they figure out when to use each language correctly (by this I mean...use english with this person and spanish with that person).
Re: Anyone's DC bilingual?
Liam is 5!
I've heard that it can take a little longer because then the child doesn't know when to apply which words (english words vs spanish words). I speak spanish and would really like my DD to speak it also.
I don't know when they'll catch up but I hear the eventually do. Do certain people talk to your DS in spanish or just everybody? Because if it's just certain people, you can tell DS, "That's how we say it in spanish when we talk to Grandma."
Hope this helps.
G understands and says words in 2 languages. I never noticed any speech delays. I know that he uses both languages all the time and doesn't understand that some people don't understand him. he does use English more though.
My kids know American, Canadian, and English.....tri-lingual.
My daughter often sounds as though she speaks Dutch in addition to English.
I don't know where she would be picking up Dutch, though...maybe she was just born knowing it?
We are teaching our DD Italian as well as English. At this point, Italian is a second language to her, she isn't truly bilingual.
A child who is truly bilingual (meaning they speak both languages equally) will often appear to have a 'delay' in speech. However, it isn't really a delay- they are simply processing both languages, and it will take longer. Many times this is mistaken for a speech delay though. Usually, by age two, they have caught up with their peers, and will have a language explosion in both languages at the same time.
They may confuse words, and interchange the languages at that point. Around age three, they begin to distinguish language and know when to use each language.
So your 16month old is very normal, and sounds like you are doing a great job. Keep exposing him to both languages as equally as possible. A second language is truly a gift. Oh, and I have a masters in linguistics, thats where I am pulling this info from
Matthew James 1/11/07