I've seen Evelyn been mentioned a few times lately, and some of the responses are that it is "too popular" or getting to popular. I'm curious to know, because I see it is ranked 39 from last year and because I dont know of any Evelyns, what makes you say it is getting too popular? Is it just based on your area or something else?
I looked up number 39 from the year I was born (Katie) and I can only think of one or two Katies that are my age. And none that I graduated HS with.
Just curious in general.
Re: Name popularity?
i think when people see names making big jumps in popularity or getting into the top 50, they get nervous.
fwiw, i know about 70,000 people named katie who are my age (~30).
My 1st name was very popular (top 20) the year I was born; it's actually the feminine form of my dad's name. My mom had always loved the name Carmen but since my maiden name is Latino, she felt it sounded too "ethnic" (mom's Irish). I'd much rather have been called Carmen.
My DH is from India (he's Tamil) & our last name is pronounced just like it's spelled but most Americans freak out when they try to pronounce it since it's long. If we ever manage to get pregnant, I have a couple of Indian names in mind which are easy on American tongues or can be shortened. For example: Saraswati (the Hindu goddess of music; I sing & play several instruments so it has a special meaning to me) which can be shortened to Sara.
I knew a lot of Katies!! I have a niece named Evelyn and know of at least one other recent baby with the name.
Also, popularity isn't just the number it's ranked but how quickly it has risen. When my sister named her girl Evelyn 3 years ago, it seemed like I hadn't heard this name in ages. Now I see it cropping up on name lists all the time.
Another aspect of popularity is nn's/sounds. Eva, Ava, Evie... all these are popular and your child will turn her head every time one of these names is called.
That said, it's a lovely name.