Cloth Diapering

Friday Stash Pic's ?

Would anyone be interested in giving a ballpark figure on how much they paid for their stash, how many kids they currently diaper, how many kids their stash has diapered and aprox how many days they go between washings?  I would love to know this info expecially since I know some of you have really awesome stashes and I plan on using it as ammo to convince DH to let me get more. Big Smile

Re: Friday Stash Pic's ?

  • Then you probably don't want me to answer...we have a pretty barebones stash.  I have one little one in diapers and this is our first.  I was every other day but could go possibly 3 if I pushed it.  I spent probably 400-500.  Although we're about to destash some of our BG 4.0s.
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  • Thats about where I am now... except we would really really be pushing it to go 3 days. 
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  • imageNominomi:
    Would anyone be interested in giving a ballpark figure on how much they paid for their stash, how many kids they currently diaper, how many kids their stash has diapered and aprox how many days they go between washings?  I would love to know this info expecially since I know some of you have really awesome stashes and I plan on using it as ammo to convince DH to let me get more. Big Smile

    I wash every 2-3 days. We could easily do every 3 days, but I don't like being too low on dipes, and some work better for certain occasions, etc.. anyway:

    let's see:

    10 KL0 fitteds 

    3 KL0 contours 

    4 WAHM AI2 

    1 TT [from today!] 

    6 Hemp Prefolds 

    2 Flips 

    2 BG 4.0s

    5 SBish 

    & 24 WAHM cloth wipes 

    Total: Under $350, and that's more than enough. 

    I'm thinking of destashing my KL0s soon. O is too tall for them now. He's a tall baby, though. 98th percentile. We only used them for 2 months! 

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  • Probably $500 for my stash, give or take

    1 kid in diapers

    First (and possibly only) kid in diapers

    2-3 days between washings

    I use pockets during the day and have 3 specific o/n pockets and fitteds for naps and o/n.

  • I don't have a picture but I have 10BG3.0's used by 1 other kid for 2yrs. 2 BG3.0 well loved from CB 1 BGAIO szM 2 Kawaii overnights 1Kawaii heavy duty and 12 prefolds and 6 covers, other than the first two mention everything was bought new for my LO. I wash every 3rd day and I paid about $300 for the diapers with an additional $150 a year (on average) in soap, water, electricity charges. This is to CD my LO from 10lbs (aka 10days old) to PT
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