How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Nothing happening here...I am going to the OB once per week, NST's 2x per week and have my final check in with the MFM on Friday. I am starting to have back spasms and random contractions too.
How far along are you?
35 weeks, 2 days
How are you feeling?
I feel like I am starting to hit the wall, finally. I have done really well til now but I am seriously exhausted, my kids are totally wearing me out and I do nothing most of the time. I am so tired and nighttime is the worst bc trying to roll over in bed is SO uncomfortable!!!
Re: 3rd Tri Check In!
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Nothing much new happening with the girls, still 2 cm dilated/60% effaced. At my appointment last week they were concerned with the funneling and cervical length was dynamic (1.8-2.0cm). But not significant changes from the week before so encouraging!
How far along are you?
28 weeks, 4 days
How are you feeling?
I actually feel okay other than just sore hips from laying around all day on bedrest. I am still nauseous but the zofran takes care of it enough. Just trying to force down good foods to keep my little girls growing! Oh, and rolling over in bed is pure comedy for my husband right now ha ha
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
So far we're doing good. I've had very few contractions this week (after PTL last week) so that's good. Also, my cervix has actually closed up a bit so instead of being a full 3 cm's dilated like I was at the hospital, my dr. said I'm more like 2-3 cm's. And she said I still have a good amount of cervix "left". While she doesn't feel I'll make it to my scheduled c/s at 38 weeks (July 1st) she does think I can easily make it to mid June!
How far along are you?
How are you feeling?
Bored. I am a very active person and this strict bedrest is so annoying. But well, well worth it.
Just have to make it a few more weeks!
After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
Baby Girl #3!
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Everything is going well. I have my first NST next week at 32 weeks and am officially seeing my OB every 2 weeks now. My appointment with the MFM and for u/s is not until 34 weeks.
How far along are you?
How are you feeling?
I'm still feeling well. My back aches occassionally and when its warm out my feet/ankles swell up a bit. I'm still working and going to the gym. I'm starting to feel like I can't believe I still have 7w left to induction at 38w. I'm worried I'm going to go downhill fast and be miserable before I know it.
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Everything is going great! I have my next u/s next week and I'm dying to find out if Baby A is head down. He/she was breech at my last u/s but my doctor says he hates using that term so early on because the baby will continue to flip around. Not sure when he'll officially say the baby is breech. Baby B was head down though.
How far along are you?
26 weeks, 6 days
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling good but it's still early. I'm excited to be in my 3rd Tri (or at least close to it!), I can't believe how fast time is going by. I'm pretty tired by the end of the work day but I think that's to be expected. I'm able to relax quite a bit after work though, so that's nice.
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Baby girl A is IUGR and is only 2nd percentile in size for her gestational age. It appears to be an issue with the placenta. Her brother B is fat and happy. We're going into the MFM twice a week for biometrics and for growth scans every two weeks. Yesterday's tests looked fine, and we're hoping to get to 32 weeks. I had the steroid shots over the weekend. I passed my final one hour glucose test but am a bit anemic and need to ramp up my iron intake.
How far along are you?
29 weeks, 0 days
How are you feeling?
It varies by day. I feel huge (measuring 39 weeks) so it's hard to get comfortable. I am starting to get a bit of heartburn.
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Fine, I'm going to start seeing my MFM every 2 weeks. My next appt is Fri.
How far along are you?
How are you feeling?
exhausted, but have been feeling this way since 28 weeks. I felt like I had run a marathon after doing some grocery shopping for 20 min with DH. I made him go alone the other day, lol. Otherwise things are going fine (knock on wood) and God-willing I'll carry these babies until 37-38w (when I'll get a scheduled c-sec). Spend most of my afternoons laying on the couch and eating. Yes, it's incredibly tough to switch positions in bed. The days seem to drag on and on...I wish things were moving more quicklyHow is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Miserable...I maybe got 3 hours of sleep last night. I'm in pain. Doc says its just BH contractions and I'm not dilated so that is great news despite feeling like I want to keel over and die.
How far along are you?
32 weeks--hoping to make it to 35
How are you feeling?
I'm measuring full-term and definitely feeling it in my back. This is my 1st pg so I had no idea that I would hit such a terrible wall once I got this big.
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Overall, this pregnancy is going really well. At their last growth scan both babies were measurig in the 70th percentile and were only 2 oz apart. They are doing great. They kick each other and me constantly. Both babies are transverse (and have been the entire pregnancy) so we scheduled a c-section in case I don't go into labor naturally.
How far along are you?
31 weeks
How are you feeling?
I'm tired all of the time since I don't sleep more than 2 hours without waking to go to the bathroom or roll over. and my feet have really swelled up the past few days - only my slippers are comfortable. But as long as the babies are healthy, I'm happy.
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
doing good I guess, it could be better but it could also be worse... cant complain Im almost to the finish line....
I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow and Im getting induced next friday, at 38 weeks, 5 days..
when I went in for fetal growth U/S last friday baby A my little boy was weighing 6.4 with a 138 HB and head down and baby B my little girl was measuring 6.9 with a 157 HB and was supposedly feet down... (which Im having a hard time accepting because Im set on a vaginal birth)
How far along are you?
37 weeks, 3 days
How are you feeling?
Im feeling like crap...
the pressure is horrible,
I feel like my vagina is going to burst anytime ( I know TMI),
my feet are so swollen I gained so much weight the last couple weeks its unbelievable,
walking is a workout by itself and hopping up in the truck is a PITA cant wait for my car to come out the shop,
hate that I have been sleeping on the couch the last couple of months, its more comfortable but I miss snuggling up with my hubby
I can keep going on for pages....
But most importantly it doesnt matter how physically hard this pregnancy has been for me I feel truly blessed I have made it this far, with no complications, no scares, no PTL and babies are weighting pretty good and looking very healthy...
my DD1 was 6.6 when she was born at 42 weeks so I figured the twins would be much smaller but they are already weighting as much as her
LOL! This is how I feel when someone asks me "How are you feeling?" I just want to say "Well, how much time do you have?"
So so so grateful to have made it this far, but sure as heck ready for it to be over. I've never had so many bodily complaints in my entire life!
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins (triplets)?
Oh goodness. I suppose I'm doing okay. Made it to 28w6 days with no issues. Then Sunday, at 29w, went into PTL and am now hospital bound for the duration due to dilation, pre-e, and my house being 54 miles from the hospital. I don't think it'd be as bad if the pregnancy hadn't been amazing all along, but to have it go from perfect (we were playing out side just Saturday) to all of this in less than 24 hours is hard to accept!!
How far along are you?
29w3days now!
How are you feeling?
Miserable!! Lol. Bedrest sounds like it'd be a walk in the park, but my back and butt hurt, and its hot in here, and now I'm in a room with a roommate so it's just awkward. On top of that my internet is spotty at best, so I can't even just spend all day on here with you guys!!!
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins (triplets)?
I love reading everyones updates...keep cooking mama's
Babies are doing well. Im going in for a growth scan today, im guessing they are around 2.5lbs now. Ill also be finding out my section date and if i have GDM. Im starting to slow down quite a bit and by the afternoon i can barely move.
How far along are you?
How are you feeling?
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
I'm doing well. I have an appointment later this morning, so I guess I'll know better in a few hours! NSTs have been going well, and I feel really good. Having a lot of BH contractions but the nurses who do the NSTs aren't concerned. I'll definitely mention it at the appointment today.
How far along are you?
32 weeks, 5 days
How are you feeling?
I feel good. I get tired more easily, and I'm finding it harder to get into comfortable positions and do things like get off the couch!
How is everyone doing, whats happening with you and your twins?
Thankfully, everything has been low-key after the weekend and a BP scare. Staying hydrated, rested, and out of the heat is helping! OB every 2 weeks, growth scans every 4, about to start NST 2x/week.
How far along are you?
How are you feeling?
Tired. But thankful to have made it this far with no complications. Hoping to get through the next 6 or so weeks the same way!