Baby Names

Youneek Names from High School Graduation (EDITED)

Hi ladies! I usually lurk here and I love it when you list the crazy names from your community.

 Last night, my sister graduated from high school.

 Some of her fellow classmates are: (first & middle)

Kirt Alexander

Ash'le Renee'

Ashlee Marie

 Tre' Lamar

 Chantle Tearsa

 Amber Racyne (ray-seen)

Aarion Leraina

 Jaclynn Rachelle

 Jelani Rahjon

 Kamrin Charles

Cory Dewayne

D'Anjanique Ahnae

Lacy Anjelika

Janee' Bethani

Kiel Jeffrey

Kaylei Marie

Sequoia Renea

Kimi Lynn

Kohl Aksel

Meredith Skylier

Hope you're all having a fantastic day!

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Re: Youneek Names from High School Graduation (EDITED)

  • Ew, ew, ew.
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    P/SAIF Welcome
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    3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
    7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
    DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
  • At least they all graduated. 
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  • imageSarahPLiz:
    At least they all graduated. 

    Exactly what I was thinking

    Expecting a bootiful baby Girl this Halloween
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  • Confused


     All Welcome :)


    ***Losses mentioned***

    ***TTC since June 2011
    ***DH to see urologist Feb. 2013
    ***BFP #1: Feb. 2nd, 2013; M/C #1: Feb. 12th, 2013 5w3d :'(
    ***1st RE appt. April 10th, 2013
    ***IUIs #1-4 all failed
    ***IVF Consult October 7th, 2013
    ***IVF #1- January 2014: ER 1/20, ET of 2 embryos 1/23, Beta 2/5 *none to freeze*

    ***Feb 14th, 2014- M/C #2 @ 5w5d :'(

    ***RPL Bloodwork---- diagnosed with Factor V Leiden and MTHFR

    ***appt. w/ Genetic Counselor- April 18th

    ***hysteroscopy/laparoscopy scheduled for May 22nd- looks good

    ***IVF #2- July 2014

    ***7/26 Retrieval- 3 eggs :( , 2 fertilized :), none to freeze

    ***7/28 ET- 2dt of 2 embryos, stick little embies!!!

    ***8/11 beta- BFN :(

    ***WTF- DE IVF best option now

    ***DE IVF- January 2015




    imageMissing my 5 angels

  • I am hopeful that these kids will one day have their own children and name them all Bob and Jane.
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