I was just checking out the MN local board and realized that you had recently posted there asking for a GTG. I didn't realize you were in MN because your info says VA. What part of MN are you in?
Given the struggles you've shared lately, have you considered joining a MoM group in MN? There is a network of them throughout MN that are all really supportive, and have an online aspect, as well as in person meetings, offering all sorts of support to MN MoM. I wasn't sure if you were aware of this, but it struck me as a great resource for you, and something it seems your DH would support...
Re: **MomTwins19**
sorry just saw your post. been out all day. OMG this sounds amazing!! i actually live in wi. but im 1.5 hours from the twin cities! i wouldnt mind making the drive!! i dont know how to change my thingie from VA to WI. i used to live in VA. i've only been here since nov. but i would LOVE to join this group. omg i am so glad u saw my post!!! do you have more info on this group? are you in it?
I'm still not sure where you are at in WI but here's a listing of the MoM groups throughout WI and MN.
I think it would be a great thing for you to connect with some MoM face to face. It's been a great resource for me. Most of the clubs have an online forum that provides support, as well as monthly meetings. Many of the clubs take a break during the summer months, but will organize play dates and meet ups through the online forum. There's also a yearly weekend 'workshop' where all of the MN and WI groups come together. It was held in Duluth this year and wasn't able to go, but from what I heard it was a great time, and was informative and relaxing, but also allowed the MoMs to cut loose and blow off some steam. Like I said before, it seems like something that your husband would be supportive of, since you mentioned he was okay with you being on the Bump because of the support and learning aspect of it. Hopefully this will allow you a compromise, but most importantly provide you with some face to face support in your daily life.
Please understand that the Multiples board is a hot bed for lurkers, and sadly fakers. Pictures have been faked before, and again sadly stolen, people have felt threatened, taken advantage of, betrayed, and disrespected. This has made many of us skeptical of new comers, but I urge you to not try too hard, and just be yourself. This group of women are truly supportive, wonderful people. If this is the place for you, then don't try to force anything, just be present, and it will work itself out. If you are who you say you are, then that will show too.
BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
The Bump MoM Recipe Collection