congrats! I remember you from the other two times I was pg, never posted much, but funny we're expecting again around the same time. When are you due?
Somewhere around Jan 20th. I got pregnant while on Paraguard, so I wasn't paying much attention to my cycles....I'm going in for another u/s on the 2nd, so I will know more then. Thanks for the congrats! I see a lot of people in this thread are doing the 3..3 and under, that makes me feel less crazy, lol.
Re: 2u2, part deux
congrats! I remember you from the other two times I was pg, never posted much, but funny we're expecting again around the same time. When are you due?
Somewhere around Jan 20th. I got pregnant while on Paraguard, so I wasn't paying much attention to my cycles....I'm going in for another u/s on the 2nd, so I will know more then. Thanks for the congrats! I see a lot of people in this thread are doing the 3..3 and under, that makes me feel less crazy, lol.