
Recommend your baby's doll

I just hopped on toys r us' website to see what types of dolls are out there. I want to get DD a baby doll and some accessories for Christmas this year. Are the Middleton dolls good? I'm not too into the ones that eat and pee and talk and stuff, just a nice sweet baby doll. Any recommendations?

Re: Recommend your baby's doll

  • My DD has a newborn cabbage patch doll- really cute and it came with a bottle and a crib. She also has another one just like it but with a car seat. I've been a fan of cabbage patch since I was little.
  • I 2nd the cabbage patch newborn.  DD got hers for her 1st bday and has loved it ever since.  Its light weight and super cute.  She sleeps with it and takes hers everywhere.  I even got one that has the same Bday as she does (you can check the birth certs that are in the box).
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  • I second the newborn cabbage patch doll (the one that doesn't wet, etc. - just comes with a carseat carrier).  My daughter loves this one far and above all the others!  It has a soft body, which she loves to cuddle.  We've also ran it through the dishwasher a few times and it's still in great condition.
  • I really dislike the hard plastic faced dolls, so I got my daughter "Abby" from Pottery Barn kids.  They have little baby dolls and "older" dolls as well.  They are really cute.
  • We bought Addie a Bitty Baby from American Girl for Christmas last year and while it is sweet, she doesn't like it any better than the $10 one from Target. 
  • Not sure what age you are getting the doll for but my daughter is 17 months old and LOVES her newborn cabbage doll.  They have some really adorable ones now.  Just got one at Toys R Us as a gift for a one year old.

    I might get her a bitty baby this year (American Girl) and get her an outfit for it every holiday so she will have a nice collection when she is a little older. Plus I love that you can get matching outfits for the baby doll and your daughter.

  • Also, I saw Water Babies at toyrsus.  Don't have one but the idea seemed kind of cool.  They are squishy and I think you fill them with water.
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