We have FINALLY decided on a name for DD, who is due any day now. However, we are struggling with a spelling. Yes, I understand that people will probably mispronounce it seeing that it is of Arabic decent, however, I am trying to look for the most phonetic spelling.
It is correctly spelled: Eiliyah, which means the beautiful one to grow in peace and love with God. Yes, it is a real name and not made up.
It is pronounced: El - ee - yah
So, for spelling, I was thinking either: Elliyah or Elliya
I know how uneek spelling is frowned upon on this board, however, I am looking for an easier spelling and in turn make pronunciation a bit easier. I am open for suggestions. Thanks!
Re: Help with name spelling
If you want to go with a name that is more familiar I suggest Aliyah which I have to imagine has the same root.
I'm a lurker but I wanted to comment. I absolutely only know this name as a boy's name. In Hebrew, it would be Eliyah or Eliyahu... the Hebrew transliteration of Elijah. The Hebrew pronunciation would not be "el"... it would be more "ay-lee-yah."
That said, it's a beautiful meaning. The most common transliteration is "Eliyah."
TTC #1 since October 2010 | Began Testing in January 2012
DH SA - low motility with 0% morph; varicocele (repaired); low T (on Clomid)
IVF w/ICSI (long Lupron w/ Repronex and Follistim) in September 2012
7 Angels in Heaven, 1 In My Arms
12/24/07 D&C (12 weeks)
2/08 MC (5 weeks)
5/08 PA (7 weeks)
9/08 VTS (6 weeks)
7/09 MC (5 weeks)
8/10 MC (UKN)
6/7/11 CP (UKN)
*CM PIP Girl*
I do not speak Arabic, however, DH speaks fluent Arabic and both our children will too.
I was afraid that people would think it is Elijah. I know that Hebrew and Arabic pronunciations can be very different at times. Thank you for your opinion