For a few weeks I had sore boobs and no interest in eating and nausea. I am now a few days over 8 weeks and have nothing boobs don't hurt nausea is not almost gone. I have more interest in eating but can't eat much at any time. I am not sure if I am just lucky or if there is something else going on? I go Thursday for my next appt and I am sure I am just overly scared cause we lost our last pregnancy.
I thought people with multiples were supposed to have a ton of symptoms everyone I talked to with twins said they were sick for there whole pregnacny or at least the first half. I am hoping I am just lucky and this is a sign of how easy this pregnancy will be and I know no one can know for sure till I have my next appt but just wanted to see if anyone else got so lucky?
Re: Question about symptoms
It's a myth that more babies lead to more symptoms.
I, for one, lucked out and didn't have MS at all during my pregnancy.
Good luck!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!