In your second pregnancies did any of you have an unusual feeling around the area of your cs scar? My belly doesn't hurt but it feels weird. I know I'm not being very descriptive but it's almost like my abs feel constantly sore like I worked out too hard in that area. I really want a VBAC but this is making me paranoid about uterine rupture......i plan to ask my dr when I go but I thought I would check with you guys.
Oh and if it matters my section was do to a failed induction. DS had a 15.5 inch head and never dropped enough to cause labor to even really start.
Re: Thought you would know since you all had c sections.....
I have those pains - and I'm not pregnant. I have weird nerve pain, some numbness and occasionally achiness around my incision area. I think it's pretty normal. Plus, we're all probably extra sensitive about that area. My pilates instructor has me rough massaging and pinching that area, to promote healing and nerve regeneration.
I would still ask the doctor, though.