Just curious if anyone was dialated early and managed to hang on for an extended period of time. I am so uncomfortable but for the babies sake I would like to make it as long as possible (and as long as it is safe for them). All of my tests and the babies tests have been good, I have been on procardia since 24 weeks. They mentioned stopping the meds at 36 weeks. At 4 cm already do you think it is likely that I will go into labor soon after stopping the meds?
Oh, I am 70% effaced (a little less than 1 cm).
Re: 4 cm at 35 weeks, can I make it to 37 weeks?
Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
At 32 weeks I was 4cm and 80-90% effaced (depending on the doctor that checked), I made it to 38 weeks when my water broke. I stopped taking the procardia at 36 weeks, I had tons of contractions after going off of it but none that actually put me into labor.
Good luck and congrats on making it this far.
The way my doc explained it is that the procardia really only works for about the first 48 hours, and after that if your body really is going into labor theres not much they can do to stop it. The procardia just minimizes the symptoms (makes the early labor contractions hurt less, etc), so coming off of it you may feel them more but they may not actually progress you.
I've been in the hospital for 2 days now, got through the steroids and all, and they're stopping all meds because in their experience it will only mask the symptoms. Indocin is the last step for me, but they're hoping not to have to use it.
That said - it all depends on your body. I've heard of people staying like that for 10+ weeks, others only two. Good luck!!!