All this time, we've been planning on naming our baby Evan John, the middle name being after my dad. (We're Team Green, but this is our chosen boy name.) Someone pointed out on an older post of mine--which I only read just now--that Evan is Welsh for John... meaning that "Evan John" is basically "John John." Eeesh. What are your thoughts on this? Should I worry about it and change the name, or just move forward from here with Evan John? I really like it as is, but not if this is something that will be obvious to others.
Re: Evan John = John John?!?
No. That would be stupid.
FWIW, DH has a cousin named John Evan; there's a family tradition to name the first son John. He goes by Evan. I don't think this has ever, ever been brought up.
Burned by the Bear
We have a running joke in my family that we're going to name out first son Seamus James because my DH's name is Seamus. (Seamus means James for those who don't know). We're not doing this but we laugh about it.
I like Evan John and think you should name your kid Evan John. You are over thinking this one. With that said, I had a student named Jonathan and I called him John John all the time. I love it!
Go with it!
I would change it, but that's just me. I would guess that very few, if any people would pick up on it. Though your son may and probably will.
One thing I'll say though is that if you are worrying even a little about it, it means it bothers you to some extent, so consider carefully and take your time before you make a decision either way.
I pointed it out in the other thread - I don't know that it's obvious to others but thought you should be aware.
Most people won't know his middle name. But he will likely know or realize at some point.
I didn't want to scare you off the name - just wanted to give you a friendly heads up.
I love the name Evan! And EJ would be a cute nickname.