Blended Families

Why are they asking me to do this?

I recieved several calls & texts last night from my ex & his mom stating they were mailing the paperwork to the courts & that they needed the address of my lawyer so she can serve me. My ex then states that we have a court date of Aug 3, "sometime around 1ish."

First off if you are just mailing the paperwork you wouldn't have a court date yet. My lawyer (who is actually just a friend, lucky me!!) looked it up & said there is no court date on file for me. I tell them I don't have a lawyer on retainer & that we don't need one, he is just filing to have child support reduced and they are insisting that I send that to them in an e-mail so they have proof. Why are they asking me to do this? What could they possibly have up their sleeve? My lawyer has no idea why but I figured since many of you deal with shady people maybe you could give me some insight. I haven't sent them the e-mail yet.

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Re: Why are they asking me to do this?

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    J&A2008J&A2008 member

    Even though they are just filing for a reduction in cs, wouldn't they need to file a proof of service?  They would need to certify to the court that they mailed their petition to you, to a valid address, to your attorney (if you have one).  It doesn't seem odd to me. 

    Of course they could have something up their sleeve, but it sounds like they're just following protocol.

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
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    Yea I would just send them  he address and state that you do not have a lawyer on retainer.

    Also when DH contacted the court house to see about having CS lowered (back when his business closed) the court clerk told him that the next family courts sitting was September 15th or something specific like that.  So technically he had the date before he filed any paper work.  Maybe it is something like that.



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    Well from all past posts about him I think he is an idiot so I wouldn't take anything he says too seriously. I would send the email stating you would like all papers mailed to yourself at your address as no lawyer is on retainer. I would have your lawyer "friend" ready b/c he always wants to get out of paying c/s.
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    We are not able to get a court date (in central IL) until our lawyer presents a petition signed by himself and MH to the courthouse.

    I would send an e-mail giving your address and stating, "at this time I do not have a lawyer on retainer, so please notify me of any and all court dates". 

    Sounds like he just doesn't know what he's doing and/or he's trying to get you all worked up.  Maybe his lawyer asked him to get in writing that you don't have a lawyer, just to cover their @$$es?

    Mama of 2: one who grew in my womb, both who grow in my heart.
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    Here in MI the COURTS do the "serving".  So he would file for the reduction and then the courts would notify you of that and set a court date.  There would never be any need for him to send you anything directly.

    I would e-mail him that you do not have a lawyer on retainer and would prefer to have all correspondence to you directed through _______ (choose a third party who he already has the address for?) or you could just give him your address and state that you do not currently have a lawyer on retainer.

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    Whew! Sounds like this could all be normal. Thanks ladies!
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    In VA is the court who does the serving. They had to go through a lot to be able to serve me here in Colombia. I dont see any reason for them to be asking for your address but since your son lives with you I dont see any reason to not give it to him. 

    They were looking for the adress of my lawyer so they could serve me. We got it all taken care of though!

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