Do you have set list of things or expectations for babysitters? I never had one left for me when I was babysitting, but I am considering leaving one for ours. The past few times we have had babysitters, I have just gotten frustrated when I get home.
DS's toys aren't picked up, and the past two times we have fed the babysitter (different one each time) they didn't even put their dishes in the dishwasher.
Last night baby sitter forgot to give him his milk before bed. When we came home at 10:00, he heard us and started crying and wanted his milk. So at 10:00, we had to give him his milk he should have gotten.
Do you think it's too much if we made a list, this was DH's idea.
When I baby sat, I would cook for the kids, put them to bed. Then I would do all of the dishes, even if they weren't from dinner, and then put the toys away. Have times changed and we expect less from them for more money?
Re: Expectations of the babysitter