I'm throwing a "sprinkle" instead of a shower for a friend. She has a 2 yr old girl now and is expecting a girl in august but she got rid of all of the baby essentials because they were told they could not have anymore kids. I just wanted to hear some ideas that people had for other sprinkles or is that just the theme itself?
Re: "Sprinkle" theme/invite wording?
I think what PP mentioned about casual is key. Sprinkles tend to have less guests than a shower. No theme necessary. I think my cousin sent out invites that said something like "Let's Sprinkle Baby R with Love" etc. The invites were really cute she degined them herself and printed them on cardstock as a postcard- very casual
My mom is using this on my sprinkle invites:
Bottles and diapers and bibs galore
______ and _____ are having one more!
Big Sister/Brother______has
plenty to share,
But we want to show the new baby we care
So Sprinkle some love for the happy family,
at a Sprinkle Shower, what fun it will be!
My Blog
Similar to the earlier post:
Baby smiles and giggles galore
are having one more
Big SIster has plenty to share
This is just a ?sprinkle? to show that we care
Since baby spit ups can make such a mess,
burpees, onesies and bottles will impress!
i did a cupcake themed sprinkle (because cupcakes have sprinkles--lol) It was low key with just the close friends of the Mom to be (mostly those who would have gotten her a gift anyway) We did cupcakes instead of cake and it was really cute!