I read posts about what goes in a diaper bag or where your poop vs. not pooped diaper bags hang or different types of pf folds and I feel helpless all over again!
That being said, I wanted to say thank you for all the awesome (lurking) advice and head spins! I have another 20 weeks to absorb as much as I can and as overwhelmed as I am with all the knowledge on this board, I am so happy I am being exposed to it now rather than going in blind!
Also - I know you all get asked this often but if anyone want's to give me advice on my newborn stash, it would be appreciated! Considering I learned it *all* on this board, if I have done well, feel free to congratulate yourself
36 GMD prefold (orange)
12 Bummis prefolds 7-20lbs
10 Babykicks Joey Bunz inserts (5 sm, 5 med)
2 Swaddlebee's covers
2 Weehuggers covers
3 Rumparooz covers
2 Blueberry pocket diapers
1 GroVia newborn AIO
3 Swaddlebees mininappi AIO
1 Happy Heiny AIO
1 Bottombumper AIO
1 Goodmama fitted
3 snappi's
2 diaper pins (came with the GMD prefolds)
12 Quilters cloth wipes
1 large Planet Wise wet bag (which is hanging from the closet door)
2 sticks of CJ's BUTTer
1 LuSa baby wipe juice
What I think I still need (let's see if I am right
2 more covers (either Thirsties or Bummis)
1 more large wet bag
1 medium wet bag for diaper bag
24 more cloth wipes
2 spray bottles for wipe juice
so... how am I doing? I welcome the words 'stop now!' because I worry I am becoming addicted.. ha!
Thank you!!
Re: Just when I think I have a handle on CD'ing
I think it looks good. You have a bunch of covers already, I'd wait to see what kind you like best. I liked Thirsties Duos for the nb stage.
And I have no idea why someone would have a special diaper bag for not-pooped in diapers. Perhaps you read it wrong? Or maybe I'm crazy? As for the PF folds, just find a way to wrap it around your baby and you'll be fine. It's easy to overthink this!
hmm.. good question. I have no idea how these will fit since they aren't specifically newborn? Almost all the diapers in my stash (with the exception of the fitted and a of the AIO's) have the extra rows of buttons so they can be made super small and still fit when the baby is out of newborns. I did it this way so I wouldn't waste money on newborn stuff but maybe I will pick up a few in xs (with no adjustable buttons)? What brand did you use/like?
I, too, am perplexed by the diaper bag. Are you meaning a wet/dry bag which can be used for clean and dirty dipes??
I think it looks good, but I am also not sure about the sizing on the covers. Are some one-size? I don't know if any of those will fit a newborn. You can always get a couple of covers right after you give birth and have them to you in a few days. Everything else looks good to me though.